
To understand this article, I had to find the "Poker Slang Terminology" book that I stuffed between my Coldplay CD, Livestrong bracelet and other things I lost from 2004.

This Connor Drinan kid obviously isn't even very good at poker. I figured out his tell just by watching this video. If you watch closely, you can see that he hangs his head in a moment of paralyzing shock and fear, and a wave of nausea washes over him and he looks like he's going to die at that very instant. From that

But the movie has nothing to do with eugenics.

Come on. The movie is based on "The Marching Morons", a science fiction story written by Cyril M. Kornbluth in1951. That story was satire, this is satire. If you are literary, think "A Modest Proposal" by Swift. The Marching Morons is part of a tradition in science fiction, like The Cold Equations by Godwin in

Basically, Matt doesn't have an idea what a social satire/anti-utopia is.

That's cute, you think you got the point of the movie. Look, everyone, Matt thinks he got the point of the movie and he made an angry post about it. *Collective awwwwww*

Part of the problem is that our media is pandering to the lowest common denominator without regard to intellect. What we NEED is a media that stimulates our intellects and MAKE us want to learn more while providing substance for the educational needs of the public.

Eugenics? No.

Oh brother! Where the HECK in that intro did it say ANYTHING about it being the Poor who were at fault?

Matt Novak is a writer for a poor news source and you should be ashamed for liking him. His over analysis and misunderstanding of satire is lethargic and excessive to the point of adding nothing to the debate.

That's funny, I thought it was obvious from the get-go that Mike Judge was mocking eugenics, an idea that has been totally discredited. Obviously, if that dystopia was possible we'd never have any advances in culture, we'd already have found ourselves in a deep well, but we see more books and education that at any

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

Patriots Screw Panthers, Create Super Panther That Patrols Mexican Border And Eviscerates All Undocumented Children

I'm more worried about cannibals than I am a dust storm picking up my vehicle and throwing it hundred of feet into the air and making it explode.

Yeah and that is part of what worries me. There is a tendency to overkill with the visuals anymore and, personally, it can often push me out of film because all I feel is a sense of being overwhelmed. You still have to feel for the protagonists and buy into their struggle. The first two Mad Max films work because, as

I'm cool with roving bands of punk cannibals and virgin brides needing a rescuing. I love the running car battles! Love the explosions. I even loved the first shot of that dust storm, just the wall rising out of the desert. I just don't see where a giant Galacticus like dust cloud that picks up little cars and smashes

Looks pretty good. But idk about the giant sandstorm death cloud that blows everything up... Seemed a bit much.

Right! My mom's recipe for chicken adobo. Thank you for reminding me.

You're describing "self defense," which is an established legal concept and defense, that's not what Smith, or anyone else here, is talking about, nor what happened in the Rice case.

Hunger Games? Really? Really?