
You like being advertised to, for free? I pity your sorry ass.

They also love tyler perry, adam sandler and anything made by chuck lorre. That doesn't make any of them classics.

Yes, actually. An old slang term for surgeons is 'Sawbones' because they would be required to perform amputations. It dates back to the american civil war I believe.

The bones link was never needed though, since it references the term "sawbones."

It still baffles me that grown men watch this crap. Is it accurate to call this the male equivalent of a soap opera?

His win total is equal to the number of Cubs fans who can spell his name correctly. And don't even ask them to spell his last name either!!

This is a fascinating dispute involving an organization with almost insurmountable barriers to entry, run by rich people who won't hesitate to shut everything down if they don't get their way, misuse public funds, deliberately obfuscate or delay solutions to improve health and safety, and employ an army of public

The problem is that Sajak does not have a history of sarcastic tweets.

I'm a believer that Sajak was tweeting sarcastically, and that the response has gotten WAY out of hand.

It was received horribly! Ted Turner did a bunch of them, and they all were hated by everyone outside of Atlanta. And probably most people inside Atlanta that didn't work for TBS/TNT

There are numerous white people in the crowd. They remain seated.

That's like changing the words in a book from 1950 and saying the book hasn't been rewritten because words existed in 1950.

Not bad, but my favourite Alley Oops is still when Kirstie was bobbing for apples in a tub of ranch and dropped her phone.

Yes, it was color back then. But the colors we add today are merely guesses - which means there is an element of rewriting....

When adding in details that the colorizer has no way of knowing existed. In the sweater picture its easy to know what color the computers were ebcause we can dig one up and look at it. The sweater was however likely so generic that no one could do the same. If some sweater historian or anthopologist looking for info

I seem to recall when I was little someone was colorizing episodes of I Love Lucy and Lucille Ball got pissed because they put her in a hideous green dress because they said that's what the grey matched up to. She said she wore a grey dress because it was a black and white show what did it matter.

Eh. Still better than Prometheus.

"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."

You feel better because you lost 35lbs, you lost 35lbs because you're actually thinking about what you eat, which is all well and good. It's just the whole culture of the food/diet industry pushing placebos and snake oil on people that is the problem.

You lost weight and feel better because you were on a DIET! Avoiding gluten means that you changed your diet drastically and eliminated a lot of foods.