
In Praise Of Sugar: The Kirstie Alley Story

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?

Leaked Internal Scouting Report: Wow These Nerds Love Merit Badges

I don't remember the last time I hated a commercial so much.

Are we sure those are Browns fans, and not just the actual guys?

Namath: "What are you doing, sneaking bologna in your jacket like that? Are you 8 years old? Why didn't you get something... good?"

My bologna has a first name

For Immediate Release

Jesus, what would he hope for if he *did* wish her bad luck?

The guy telling Max he couldn't turn off the power because it was time to leave was the point where I realized this film was going to be about as good as the first film or "Man of Steel". Seriously, WTF? If he had even just said, "Sorry Max. I'm in the can. It's going to take a couple minutes." and Max decided for

Excellent points. I just don't think Mark Webb knows how to make a movie. We already know that Kurtzman & Orci don't.

You need to raise your expectations a whole hell of a lot. Just because it's a comic book movie doesn't mean it needs to be a giant trainwreck of nonsense. Have you not watched any of the GOOD comic movies to come out in the last decade or so?

So let's make sure all comic book movies are nonsensical messes forever!

I'm just gonna say it. Fuck this movie. The sad thing is al the ingredients for a great Spider-man movie are in here. They just mixed it in all the wrong proportions and made some really poor choices...

Electro had a pretty legitimate beef with Oscorp which could have been a perfect motivation for his villainy. But

Every review I have read said it was pretty terrible. Basically the Batman & Robin of the Spider Man franchise. Why did they jam so much into it?

"This is a man, living in 2014, who views his employees as sub-human generators of his own wealth."

A friend of mine was born without his right hand. He has a small "nub" instead. When he was young, he used a prosthetic hand that he didn't like very much. We were on a soccer team for 6 and 7 year olds, and during one game he was using his prosthetic hand (and had had it on all day) when it became uncomfortable. So

Even if a thousand people like it, it's still unfunny shit. His whole shtick, all this time, has been "Oh this isn't practical". We know it's not practical. Pointing it out to us won't really change that.

Nice to see this Pete Holmes guy still doesn't know the difference between what's funny, and what's annoying. Do people actually watch this crap, or is someone at Kotaku getting paid to push this stuff?