
Damnit. That was my exact reaction too...

Is it weird if I think the left (old) design looks more Squaresoft, while the right (new) design kind of looks Capcom?

Sort of reminds me of a Resident Evil character. I think it’s the nose.

Yeah screw it. If you aren’t going to play the series any other way, you might as well give Yakuza 5 a shot :)

Not the most popular opinion, but I loved RE5!
No, not for the story, or the horror... but for the co-op experience + gun upgrading mechanics!

Yeah, no jump scares or anything that blatantly tries to pull fear out of you.

Yeah just go for it on Vita. The game looks so nice on there :)

I think buying may make sense for people starting out, but sometimes it could make sense to rent & invest instead.

If you had a million dollars to spend, it may grow faster in index/mutual funds than it would in real-estate over 5-10 years. It just depends on what type of risk Pewdiepie is willing to take with his

As everyone else has said, the main games are all separate :) You don’t need to catch up on anything.

Haha, that’s hilarious! Crazy how pumped you can get from a little video or announcement!

I remember hearing some of the actors from The Raid Redemption (1 and 2) were involved with The Force Awakens.

Even if FFXV can deliver on all it’s promises, I am still more excited for P5. The story of P4 was quite different than other games. I liked the theme of self-reflection, and the sense of murder mystery. The characters were pulled off much better than any of the last few FF or even SQEnix games.

Akame Ga Kill is a recent anime you can try watching in addition to the other suggestions given here.

Kuroko is pretty good! There are so many good sports anime.

I feel their best chance to bring Yakuza to the West in recent years would have been Yakuza Ishin. That was basically a PS4 launch title in Japan, and we certainly needed more variety in the launch window of PS4 in North America.

Lol! Yeah that’s totally what it felt like! He was kinda cracking up at the end. I think it was a great speech.