I’m pretty sure that guy actually played Eddie in the Tekken movie...
I’m pretty sure that guy actually played Eddie in the Tekken movie...
It’s like... the reverse paper bag
Man, now that you mention it... I don’t think I’ve used any FAQs from GameFAQs for anything BUT JRPGs...
I remember using GameFAQs to look up what to do in that fan translated ROM of Tales of Phantasia over 10 years ago... Actually it might have been over 15 years ago. Wow!
OGC was awesome! haha...
Ahahah! We got’em guys! We finally lured them in!
Owch... :(
I can understand stopping in that case! Losing save files is one of the worst feelings for a gamer, haha.
Oh, you haven’t finished it? omg, you have NO IDEA!
If you have the time, definitely go for it. If you really don’t have time for it... maybe you can watch a playthrough or something?
Haha, time to move out of Vancouver, amirite? :’(
I looove G Gundam! Awesome
Back in the day, I would have said to go for it. However, we all have huge gaming backlogs. Don’t go for the short-term win! Wait it out :)
I went on a trip to Hong Kong recently, and nearly every McDonalds there had a “McCafe” which sold macarons. Took me a while to process what I was seeing!
Oh! I remember eating this thing a few years ago...
I was watching the gif at the top thinking “OMG Just jump forward!” for at least 1 minute before I realized I’m a freaking idiot. :’(
Wait... there are still 7.1 Million People who are playing WoW?
That’s pretty impressive!
The twist was very unique ... at least it was for me.
I think the 4th arc is where the Stand powers get really unique.