Mersereau Guilt

This sucks but at least John Cena will grant a wish for him. 

Anyway, baseball needs heels

Shit, as someone who has lived the heroin life for over a decade, this is the most realistic depiction of the hopelessness that comes with our addiction. No one understands why we love it  or why we think its worth dying over. For most of us heroin > life. That’s the only math we know.

The journalism industry is not some glorious, righteous arena of gods. Almost all of us...”

As someone who works in direct competition with FOX, and who despises the very airwaves they beam up, it’s ludicrous to tell these people to just up and quit.

NYC is the #1 broadcast market in the US. Market size directly affects your pay scale. As someone who started in local TV back in the ‘80s in a Top 40 market, I

List of grown men going by “Jimmy”:

I guess you could say that Flowers...

I’m surprised they didn’t try to make a deal to acquire Algernon.

Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco. 

Perspective from a 30 something female aren’t objectifying women. The gaming community has come a long way and I cannot remember the last time someone cracked a joke about playing with a girl to me. If anything the girls “gaming” on Twitch while being half naked and using the oh so annoying vocal fry are

Because Aaron Hernandez thrived in NE's "structured" environment?

The race in the Democratic primary for the state of New York does not mean as much to people outside of NY. This seems obvious, but I feel it needs to be expressed.

Before a single vote was cast, we have already won; we have fundamentally changed the political landscape in this state...”

It sure helps that “the left” walks around with a smug sense of moral superiority over anyone they perceive to be slightly to the right of them. Just like with Sanders, Nixon lost because she utterly failed to make in roads with minority voters.

I wouldn’t say LeBron is a phony so much as everything he says is so pre-planned and stage managed that there is little value to it.

Draymond Green said, comparing other, more ostensibly successful population groups, “A Jew is gonna look out for a Jew, a Chinese man is gonna look out for a Chinese man.” Stewart, himself Jewish, attempted to humorously object by smiling and letting out a long and exaggerated “Ehhhhhhhhhhh...” Green continued: “You

I don’t think it’s right Daly gets fired from his current job for some shit that he said 35 years ago. People change. It has nothing to do with his current job. Lamey was right to resign.

Did John Travolta kidnap you and try to test your skills as a hacker?
