Mersereau Guilt

They’re not just gonna switch to soccer. Soccer sucks.

Yeah, but how does next year’s playoffs help me meet my deadline today?

But also, like, every counterintelligence operation since spying was invented. 

I don’t recall Honk Kong, starting war after war on China, the way that Arabs who now claim to be “Palestina’ did against Israel nor did people of Honk Kong promised to exterminate every Chinese the way Arabs promised to drive every Jew into the sea, and soak the desert with Jewish blood.....I also do not recall

Literally the only thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on nowadays is that it’s bad to kowtow to China, but it’s good to capitulate to Israel.

The fuck is up with that headline?

This article is incredibly melodramatic per the situation. Hudson has a below 1.00 era in 26 innings since joining the Nats - I’d say he can be counted on. And you neglect to even mention Patrick Corbin, who has been one of the ten best starters in the NL pretty much all year. Not to mention Anibal Sanchez who has

Hard disagree on Scherzer and Strasburg being the only two guys to fall into “best guys”category considering Corbin is one of the best left handers in the league...

When I see reviews like the one above I think about the teachers I had who failed my college papers because they lacked the correct format and didn’t bother to even read the words.

This is what happens when a writer who scoffs at the tired, obvious and played out symbols of hipsterdom while imaging himself to actually be the “hip one” drops the name of a neighborhood that’s the hipster easy target equivalent of Nickelback as a punchline in an attempt to show us - and himself - how above it all

The pattern “But all of this comes together to make [pop culture object] the perfect [other pop culture object] for our era” is the sine qua non of self-serious reviewers who think that going to movie theaters in Williamsburg grant them insight into the common man’s reaction. I’m astonished I had to wait until the

The “pain” and “vulnerability” you felt was your own damn fault. I’ve actually heard a pastor* put it the way: Not every struggle is from God, some of it is because you did something stupid. And this is definitely the later case.

It’s not the eventual extra steps I’m most pissed about.

Carrousel, bitches!

Hi, I am 69 and I am doing volunteer work at a non-profit in Brazil to develop computers that use 1/350th (or less) of the power of a standard desktop. This project will hopefully help young people afford university by selling, installing and supporting these computers, with 100% of the profits going into the

It’s nice that you didn’t actually read my (remarkably short) comment. The climate crisis is an existential crisis, the focus on Greta Thunburg is a vanity project (whether primarily by credulous media, or by her, or most likely by an ad hoc self-reinforcing bit of both, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

Politicians have to pander to teens. “Oh, they’re the future. How, how wonderful.” I get it. It’s stupid, but I get it.

To see grown adults pandering to teens, is awful. If you think I’m going to listen to a 15 year old tell me about “climate science”, you can eat a thousand zebra dicks.

BTW, I very much believe in

But that’s just what Bill does, though.

I have met the man, several times, and I can assure you that outside of the football context he is absolutely NOT what you say. He is a kind, thoughtful, and caring man.