
I can’t really agree at all that there’s been a “slow degrade”. You may not like CKIII, but it’s an extremely good game, and extremely well put-together, and the inheritance isn’t “horribly broken” by any standard I’m aware of (“not fun” is a matter of perspective). CKIII has built it a ton of new goodwill, frankly,

My guess is that they think that a current or former Riot employee leaked them the code, and want to get the proof so they can take that person to court for violating trade secrets.

Bad FX are the ones that rely on CG as a crutch. In my humble opinion, the best FX are the ones best suited for the work. Whether that’s practical, CG, or both. Take for instance the work they’ve done on The Mandalorian using the LED stage. It’s a mix of CG (what’s being projected) with in-camera work as they shoot

The comment about “Woody Allen the steamroller” (as opposed to the public image of Allen as a neurotic) reminds me of how Orson Welles absolutely pegged him for what he always was decades ago.

Animation still requires the same level of exposure, to the animators, as a live action film would to it’s staff.

I disagree to a certain extent. I’m solidly middle class, but I went to a very expensive college, and at 18 taking out loans with predatory interest rates means I’ve been paying out around $800 a month for nearly 10 years and still have almost a decade to go, whereby I will have paid my college tuition many many times

Exactly this. “Oh, the 40-49 peak earning years are where you can start cranking it up!” Sweet. Thank goodness our prime working year contributions weren’t chewed up with the S&L crash, the dot-com bust, and the GFC in ‘08.

Fuck, son. Gen X too. Saving is something only Boomers got to do.

90% of millenials’ response to this article:

I think these decisions are made just as much by people that aren’t in quite as dire of situations, but they often have the fortune of their parents being able to help bail them out. I think people keep looking at poor decision making as unique to those living in poverty, when poor decision making isn’t unique at all.

I’m saying these very wealthy women have gone to great lengths to portray common folk, and effectively look like an SNL parody for oscar bait. lol I don’t know why everyone keeps commenting that they’ve seen poor people before like it’s some unique sighting.

I mean just look at how they had to dress and do the makeup of Close and Adams, it looks cartoonish and silly because it looks like pure cos play of poor people. 

There’s Hillbilly Elegy, the memoir of Vance’s family, which (so far as I know, at least) is basically uncontested in terms of its accuracy. And then there’s Hillbilly Elegy, the socio-economic, political and cultural text that’s used to advance a very specific and very damaging political agenda. I don’t know to what

Especially when money and effort is spent in improving said technology, such as when a studio is founded to make something like that work.

Making fun of Trump by making fun of gay people is not the way to do it, man.

“We just wanted to make fun of it because it makes it less scary.”

I’m assuming it’s probably a pain to actually get all the rights for a publisher to okay it that long after the fact.

I’ll probably pick it up since I liked her last one alot.

I’ve got a scary story. About 4 times I’ve come back to this tab that I have kept open the whole time and the most dreaded thing has happened. The page has been reloaded and sent me back to the top.

If one of the requirements is that the story is true - why did you post the OBVIOUSLY fake masturbatory thrift store story from last year as an example?