
Hell, others have aggressively profited from the fact that the memestock cultists are predictably wrong in how they buy this stuff. 

Wait, isn’t Disney like hours away from folding because it made a movie last year with women in it? Are you telling me they actually have billions of dollars to spend on parks and that a few underperforming movies aren’t going to leave Mickey sinking to the bottom of a river?

Yeah this just seems like a plot point. Unless it’s like a full-on Sixth Sense-level twist that truly changes everything that’s come before, marketing it as some sort of mind-bender seems like a bad idea once people have actually seen it.

All they had to do was *not talk about a twist at all*. I guess they never considered not putting that idea in potential audiences’ heads.

No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.

Can someone explain to me how this is a “scam” and not just a really bad product that didn’t live up to the marketing hype?

Came here to champion Scavengers Reign as well. It really is a mind altering take on alien life. Creeped me out more than any big budget live action sci-fi movie/show has done since I was a kid.

While I generally champion animation in any context, I do believe Scavengers Reign deserved a spot on here, as it’s one of the most interesting and strangest sci-fi stories I’ve ever seen, with the most believable (and truly alien) alien planet ever rendered. I’m glad Scott Pilgrim made it on here at least, but I do

I don’t think I understand how I Will Always Love You is only 23.

McHale’s memoir (well, sort-of memoir; anyway it was pretty amusing) touches on the situation with Chase. McHale was remarkably even-handed, noting that, decades back, Chase had been, the charming, effortlessly funny darling of a tv show... and now he was on a show with the young version of that. (I would add that

‘Semi-racist’? Pierce’s casual bigotry was one of the show’s overused running jokes. He’s not a card-carrying KKK member and can sit comfortably in a room with Black and Asian people, sure, but if you want to make a racism scale, ‘semi’ shouldn’t be on it.

Re: the show writing women. Britta was based on Harmon’s girlfriend at the time he created the show. They broke up, and she stopped being the romantic interest and became the group pariah. Then Jeff developed a potentially inappropriate crush on a much younger woman for the balance of the show. Which.... um I’m sure

Both the characters of Shirley and Britta started out with promise and then devolved into weird stereotypes. There’s very little of the holy-roller Shirley at the outset of the show, and by the time Yvette Nicole Brown left the show, that was the character’s only trick. Likewise, Britta started out as a pretty sharp

I thought Pierce (the character) was great, I thought Chase’s performance as Pierce was great, and I think the show suffered a bit after Chase left (though not nearly as much as after Glover and Brown left), but I don’t blame the rest of the cast and Dan Harmon in the slightest for being glad to be rid of him.

The episode where he falls through a bunch of drums made me say, “Wow, Chevy Chase is still funny.” And he had some solid line deliveries right up to the end. “She’s a dance major! She likes Twinkies! I don’t have to answer to you!” was top-notch “irritable old man.” 

That’s a good point! The key difference being that by all accounts Danny DeVito is a wonderful human being who is a) game for anything b) people like working with.

While Chevy very much isn’t either.

He could have been what Devito is to always sunny to community.

The decision to cast Chase was 100% justified by his performance in the Dungeons and Dragons episode alone. After that, he could have simply disappeared and the show wouldn’t have missed a step.

Here’s where your $100,000 go further, which is helpful, because you’ll need to travel out of state if you need any medical procedures the legislature disagrees with this week.”

Where your money goes farther, but your rights are restricted unless you’re a white Christian cis-male.