
That article is very wishy-washy on how final JJ’s script for VIII was, and also admits that JJ and Johnson worked closely together and that many of the plot points in TLJ were known to JJ or in some cases even his own ideas. So I don’t think this idea that Rian Johnson came in and shit all over JJ’s immaculate

Jesus this is so much better than what actually happened.

This is an interesting take. I strongly disagree that Johnson’s choices were ill considered or that he left no narrative legs for TRoS. But I also agree that in retrospect the root problem was that TFA was a terrible foundation to build a new trilogy on. It had exactly one interesting idea (Kylo Ren as Toxic Fanboy)

Johnson doesn’t “walk back” TFA. TLJ doesn’t actually contradict or retcon anything that happens in TFA. It just answers the questions lef topen in TFA in ways JJ Abrams likely didn’t intend.

Re-fighting the same fight came directly from TFA and JJ. I agree that that’s the fundamental flaw in the whole trilogy, but you can’t lay it at Johnson’s feet.

Pure air-superiority fighters are arguably a less than great investment given how unlikely a first world power vs. first world power military confrontation is these days. But drones absolutely cannot replace their capabilities (yet). There are no drones with the payload, range, or maneuvering capabilities of a current

As another commenter already said, stop-and-go traffic is an argument for mass transit on the congested route, which is proven and reliable tech, over trying to get unproven and buggy high tech cars working.

His germaphobia suggests he may have some OCD or OCD-like symptoms. But I think it’s just as likely that this is some fucking stupid test. Like, that it has to be two and a half because then he knows they’re actually doing the work to empty one or actively monitor rather than just placing two brand new ones down every

The problem is that as much as the general public bitches and moans about being treated badly by airlines, they have also demonstrated with their pocketbooks that this is an absolutely acceptable practice so long as tickets are cheap enough. More legroom=fewer passengers per plane=less money per flight, and at the

Even accepting that there exists some justification for the weird, arguably misogynistic main-story choices, you can’t hide that shit in optional, supplemental material and act like that fixes the textual problems with the story.

This is an asinine comment regardless, but are you really trying to claim that the cutscenes in a Hideo Kojima game isn’t enough to understand the story? The dude has been making 30 hour movies with some gameplay interspersed for years.

You admit that you don’t spend two seconds thinking about anyone else feel like it’s a major imposition on you to be asked to think bout someone else, and would rather I change my entire career/travel plans to accommodate your desire not to think about anyone else, but somehow I’m the authoritarian, selfish prick

Have done Locurio’s Storyteller and all three of Palace Games’s and can confirm they’re all excellent. Thanks so much for the Lab rat recommendation, gonna hit that up ASAP!

Ok. So then you wouldn’t have a problem with someone kicking the back of your seat for hours on end? Because if you would, you should probably solve your own problem by buying the seat behind you.

I paid for an iPhone with a speaker, so I guess by your logic it’s totally cool for me to blast my music for the whole cabin? “I’m entitled to use things I paid for” being the end-all be-all of your moral universe here.

I like how you’ve proposed all these convoluted solutions that I could undertake, including changing my entire career, rather than just adopt the one simple solution I propose: just ask first.

No, my position would be that you can ask to un-recline but that decision is still entirely up to me whether or not to do so.

If there’s no reason to ask for permission, are you also taking the position that somebody politely asking you to un-recline can be safely ignored? Because if you think somebody should un-recline their seat after a polite request to do so, then you’re admitting that the person behind you has some right to limit your

Why is it incumbent on the person you’re reclining into to ask you to stop? Why shouldn’t you have to ask permission first before doing so?

You have to be a real asshole to think that you’re entitled to recline without at least first asking the person behind you if it’s ok.