
I would love to see stats on who is actually forced to buy an extra seat for being obese. I’m a tall, big guy. Been pushing 300lbs. for most of my life, though wide shoulders and a tall frame mean I’m not exactly spilling out of my chair. I’m outside the “normal” range in almost every metric. And I have never once had

Here’s the reality of sitting in front of a tall person on a plane: you will try to recline, which is akin to hammering somebody’s shins with a heavy piece of metal multiple times. Then the seat won’t recline more than the tiniest bit. So you’ll have basically no discernable comfort increase while the person behind

Why do you think it’s incumbent on the person you’re reclining into to ask you to stop, rather than incumbent on you to ask for permission? If you would feel uncomfortable asking for permission first, then I think you’ve identified that you know on some level that reclining is a zero sum game and you’re just trying to

You’re either not really 6'3" or we have very different body dimensions. Because I’m 6'3" and my knees are buried in the seat in front of me for the entire flight.

My iPhone is designed to be able to play loud music or make speaker calls. If we weren’t supposed to do so the feature wouldn’t exist. Does that mean I have a right to play that music or make those calls in a public space, for everyone to hear? And if somebody objects becausee it’s annoying, is that them articulating

I think the fundamental solution here is to put the onus on the person seeking to recline. They shouldn’t just recline first and dare you to complain about it. That sort of “ask forgiveness not permission” attitude is the standard tactic of the asshole. The polite thing to do is to ask the person behind you if it’s ok

Dude, I cracked a tailbone in a motorcycle and flew 1 month later to Singapore, in coach. You can be assured I reclined, and I needed to, it was excruciating

They paid for their space same as you. Why do you have the right to the space in front of them, but they don’t?

Your demand to recline is your problem, not mine. Buy a seat in first class if you need to be able to recline.

Two things: first, as you likely know, most air travel is for business. So many, many people don’t have the option to upgrade at all, as their business either makes the arrangements or refuses to pay for more than the cheapest fare. What are those people supposed to do?

There are only so many exit row seats on a given plane. Are you seriously suggesting that a tall person be shut out from flying if the exit row is taken just so you can recline?

I agree politness can go a long way. But it’s impolite to recline without asking first. It shouldn’t be incumbent on the person who is being knowingly and intentionally made less comfortable to ask the person making them less comfortable to please stop, if they would be so kind.

Yes. You’re are not allowed to cause someone else discomfort in order to increase your comfort without at least obtaining permission first.

I think ultimately this argument comes down to who is obligated to use their words. My position is that if you want to recline you should have to ask the person behind you before doing so. Many, many others believe that you should be able to recline at your discretion and then make it incumbent upon the person behind

Ok so genuine question here: One Halloween when I was a youngish teen I went as a Klingon from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and for many Halloweens after it was my dad’s go-to, lazy, open the door for trick or treaters costume. As you may or may not know, all (or at least most) of the Klingons from that series were

Weddings have always been big affairs in lots of different cultures. We didn’t arrive at the big wedding by accident; it’s way more common than elopement throughout history. Weddings used to be an excuse for an entire town to get together and party back when only the brave few ever even left the town they were born

Funny thing about the “beer and wine is free but liquor is extra” semi-cash bars is that liquor, even upper middle shelf liquor, is easily the cheapest form of alcohol. Cheap beer isn’t too far off, but decent beer is pretty pricey in comparison. Wine is off the charts, relatively speaking. So if you were really

My assumption was that the monster had a sort of rubber-banding power. That is, it either A) moved faster when you were further away, B) once you moved beyond a certain distance it would “teleport” to within some distance. Obviously this isn’t explained in the movie but that’s my fanon to prevent the obvious solution

Any of the ones with nuclear weapons.

I think the ultimate premise is that unlike the Soviets, if the US had been beaten to the moon it would have moved the goal posts rather than admitting defeat. Which I think is grounded in history. We arrived at the moon as a goal in the first place by moving the goal posts after the Soviets beat us to first