
The USB ports are recessed on the front of the PS4 Pro. There are protruding fins that can prevent USB devices from inserting into the ports properly if there’s material surrounding the male USB connector on the USB device. This doesn’t happen if those fins aren’t in the way.

Glad I wasn’t the only one thrown off by that. I asked elsewhere whether the PS5 would play 4K since the PS4 Pro doesn’t.  Looks like the exact quote indicates that it will.  About time too.

I care about practical aspects of console design such as not bolting fins onto the front of the console that block access to the USB ports. Looking at you, PS4 Pro.

Like the PlayStation 4 Pro, the PlayStation 5 reads physical media via a 4K Blu-ray drive.

LAX needs to be sucked into the earth.  I go through SFO if at all possible when needing to cross the Pacific.

Changi is freakin’ incredible. Not sure if they still have it, but last time I was there they had a massive koy pond garden and a butterfly garden, and there are multiple food courts with ridiculously good local food.  If I could choose an airport to be stuck at, it would be Changi.

And the wait to be served is always longer now. Inconvenience the customer as far as possible to save as much as possible without completely alienating the customer—that’s the name of the game. Banks are so anti-customer it would be funny if it weren’t rage-inducing.

Wait, what?  Did the judge really do that?!

The money at the top of the game is so obscene that there’s no way ManU does a Leeds. They just broke their earnings record again, despite the on-field product not living up to the earnings.

Hah!  I made this exact same silly joke elsewhere.  Chelsea looking pretty good for not having any players come in except for Pulisic who can’t even get a sniff of playing time even so.

Tiny correction: that’s not what zero-sum means.

Who studies in a library anyway?  Everybody knows libraries are for checking school email and making out.

Considering the Du Monde of evidence, it’s probably for the breast that they don’t expose themselves to a full trial.

Hey, #NeverHillary worked out so well for the Dems last time around. Let’s do some more #Nevers, because the last thing the party needs is to unite around whoever wins the nomination.

Funny “ha, ha” or funny “click, click”?

Baseball is the best only if you want to play the odds that you won’t get hit in the head by a foul ball and suffer brain damage or worse.

A puck doesn’t bounce as much as a soccer ball.

So it’s moving to a different Easy-Bake-Oven.

Theory: Newton isn’t a naturally accurate passer and needs to focus to get his passes on target, so when there are significant distractions like injuries he can struggle.

Compare the wear and tear on RBs vs. QBs, DBs vs. DTs, etc. Not all positions are created equal.