
I wish I could remember the precise wording of that f’d up canned speech that the right wingers give like clockwork every time an unarmed black person is shot by police. It’s something to the effect of, “If they’d just obey orders (like all white people apparently do) then they wouldn’t have to worry about being shot.”

They’ve tried work slowdowns before only to end up eating crow.

The it seems like every time the NYPD has an intentional work slow down, crime decreases.

To me it sounds like a threat to slow their work. Buuuut, then again they love to be out there brandishing weapons, delivering beatings and getting their share of the take, so if they do a work slow or stoppage, they kinda fuck their own self-interests.

I’ll wait until it’s fully in place before celebrating. Florida’s screwing over Amendment 4 which passed with over 60% and the DC city council overturned the minimum wage initiative that passed with over 55%.

That should be the response that everyone uses. In any profession, especially finance, legal and especially medical, any act of malfeasance taints you forever and can make you unemployable. Can you name me another profession where gross incompetence and negligence are not only tolerated but supported by a fucking

nailed it. not to mention when the cops fuck up, the taxpayers are on the hook for the lawsuits. I’m gonna steal that response btw. 

I only got this far, but I’m not saving this comment for the end because it’s almost time for work.

I too work in finance and when I tell people this they assume we are all crooks. I asked someone that said this to me “Do you feel the police are crooks?” The response was no, I responded saying there are stricter controls and harsher disciplinary standards in my profession than there are in law enforcement. If I

Can I ask Ed Mullins a serious question: Can you look me and every NYC citizen in the face and honestly say that there are no members of your force that don’t do shit that needs to investigated? That there are no loose cannons or cowboys in your ranks? That not one arrest or search of a man or woman but specifically

I had to make sure to hold back to avoid putting a hole in the ballot when marking yes.

their tears taste better than the first sip of coffee in the morning.

For those curious, here is the full text of the Ballot Proposal (Amendment #2):

At G/O Media, you can watch demon bloodspawn drain the life essence from a group of talented, intrepid individuals. You can also watch the cinematic trailer for Diablo IV.

Sadly, Spannie doesn’t really care. He will make money by killing this place.

Others have already mentioned the absolutely fire line in this article, but let’s just go ahead and reinforce it: shit like this is why you’re one of the best, Schreier—and why Kotaku remains the force it is in a world of bland “stick to sprouts” coverage.

I like jalopnik and Kotaku as well and I found out about them through deadspin. But I’ll never go back to either of them.

Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal. - Ernest Hemingway

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