
And P.S. to Jim Spanfeller, not only are you losing my Deadspin pageviews (which were numerous, I assure you), but my Kotaku ones, as well as occasional timid ventures out into the badlands of Jalopnik, Gizmodo, and Jezebel. Congrats! Your strategy to boost ad views is working swimmingly!

Diana, I’ll be looking out for your hard-hitting investigative journalism elsewhere. You are one of the best parts of Deadspin and will be a huge boon to whoever is lucky enough to have you work for them next.

Ugh, that’s a huge negative for me.  I recently got interested in this game, but thanks for the heads-up so I can avoid it until they hopefully fix this stupid and easily fixed mistake.

Is this where we all get together to hug and cry? What am I supposed to do all day once Deadspin is gone?

Maybe if we mention Jim Spanfeller enough, we can make it happen.  We really need some other sites to link to this, but good luck with that.

Madlibs gone really grimdark.

It’s Tuesday.  Bring back Tuesday Night Fights!

Don’t have anything interesting to contribute, just wanted to say how much I appreciate Deadspin NOT sticking to sports despite orders to the contrary. I know it’s going to cost some of you your jobs, so it’s not some silly act of rebellion. This is why I come to Deadspin. If I wanted to stick to sports I’d be at ESPN

Epic historical reference.

And yet we’re supposed to believe that this same organization (NFL) is giving its players straight answers about CTE because they care so much about their players’ wellbeing. Riiiiight...

If you think we’re all adults here, you gator nother thing coming.

I’m just glad he was caught before he could do some real and lasting damage, thankful that his bankrupt behavior was the result of a truly bankrupt soul that followed and outed him to his new, stupid employers.

Not to mention that 1.4 billion people agreeing on anything is clearly BS.

Sounds like an amazing book that would just send me into an unending fit of rage.

Leveraged buyouts should be illegal. There’s no legal, ethical, practical or otherwise sense in which you should be able to buy an entity with borrowed money, then turn around and make the debt theirs instead of yours while reaping any profits or gains that they would otherwise have.

Look at this guy, sticking to sports.

Abolish the myth of the student-athlete. For-pay sports can be broken out from their academic institutions. Let’s stop pretending that most of these kids care about school. The ones who do care can be offered a scholarship in addition to whatever pay they’re receiving to play. The ones who can’t be bothered don’t have

How did you manage to read this part of the sentence without the context of the beginning of the same sentence as well as the sentence just before it?

More like the PS4Q-we’ll-milk-this-if-we-want-to.

It was such a cheapskate move by Sony to omit 4K Blu-ray playback from the PS4 Pro. I mean come on! It already outputs 4K UHD for games and streaming (I think—don’t use it as a streaming device). The BR drive just needs to be able to read enough layers deep to handle a multi-layer 4K disc, and the necessary power to