

There's multiple scenes from this book that made me want to retch. The most brutal being Chapter 2, the scene that infamously made several people faint at live readings. The chapter describes, in detail, a boy's intestine being sucked out his anus by a pool drain

He cheated with Tori. Why wouldn't he cheat on Tori? Is this really a surprise to anyone? He cheated on his previous wife when they were in the middle of adopting a baby and she ended up adopting as a single mom because he refused to go through with the adoption. What a guy. I'd definitely marry and have four children

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Hiddles is impressive but I'd like to see him try to take Christopher Walken whose willing to strip for his art.

"The goal of men and the world should be to make all mothers happy. Women, as mothers of the earth, deserve the utmost respect. If the goal is to make all mothers happy, we won't go too far wrong." Orlando Bloom, to Elle.

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Any (far-fetched) excuse to post this masterpiece.

Yeah, but maybe you shouldn't ask random strangers that haven't said kids are adopted. Like I've seen parents before that clearly registered my split-second confused look when they say a kid is theirs (i've had a few tutoring jobs where I know the kid before the parent) and they'll say 'yeah, they're adopted,' at that

Perhaps someone served the NBC execs some "chocolate mouse" and when they woke up, they didn't remember signing off on the deal.

"This is no dream, this is really happening!" - Rosemary Woodhouse/me

The best Seinfeld episodes!

The morning after pill would've been better than tanis root.

I was wondering when someone what bring up the weight issue. It's a lot easier to avoid overt sexualisation as a pop star/performer when your body falls outside conventionally accepted standards of attractiveness.

He really was hunky back then, wasn't he? Rawr.

Yes. Thank you. I'm agreeing with you and just reinforcing your point, because people are arguing otherwise. Thank you for demonstrating the point clearly and thoughtfully.

I just think it's interesting that black transgender folks have disproportionate media presence. I wonder if there is a subtle message affirming the harmful idea that black cis women are more masculine than other women.

Comparing the sexual expression of a 50 year old (thank you, Google) White female actor and a 25 year old West-Indian born Black pop star just screams out what is wrong with White Feminism. The fact that you can't see how silly and ridiculous that comparison makes me shake my head. We have so far to go....sigh.

So I've seen The Sound of Music countless times, but the first time I saw this GIF of Christopher Plummer on Jez I was like what is that GIF of Fassbender from? Just me or does anyone else see the resemblance here?

The Twilight Zone-The Lonely

Haha Hair and JCSS are my mom's FAVORITE musicals. I grew up listening to them all the time. I still watch both at least once a year, usually during epic cleaning sessions, just like Mama. ;)

Ohh good call! Hair is great.