I saw a couple of “DeMuro 2016” comments here, which gave me a vision of a country where drive thru’s and toll booths are exclusively RHD friendly, bluetooth is illegal, and the Liberty Bell’s been replaced by a cracked H1 engine block.
I saw a couple of “DeMuro 2016” comments here, which gave me a vision of a country where drive thru’s and toll booths are exclusively RHD friendly, bluetooth is illegal, and the Liberty Bell’s been replaced by a cracked H1 engine block.
“You’re the type of guy who purchased nine thousand forever stamps in 2007, because you wanted to lock yourself into forty-one cents, and not an insane forty-four cents, for the rest of your life.”
I bet he’s the life of every party! This made me lol hard.
When it comes to ideas that feel good but fail when stupid old reality sets in, having solar panels on a road has to…
Todd has been busy since Pokemon Snap.
Why did I watch the whole thing?...
That double pump assist was just ridiculous! I was sitting at that end of the the ice looking right down on the play, and as soon as Richards passes it to Keith everybody in the building, including myself, is yelling shoot! SHOOT! JUST FUCKING SHOOT IT! And then he does that... Great game by the Hawks, now time for…
When I saw that double-pump fakeout goal I just shook my head and appreciated it.
Having watched him for so many years now I was starting to take Dunc for granted until these playoffs when he reminded me why he is easily one of my favorite players in the NHL.
I’ve had to stop on at least 2 occasions because my GPS had no idea where I was fucking going.
36. Super smart, cures diseases to life threatening diseases everyday
33. Doesn’t whine
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Miko: This is like putting these players through 2 car crashes a week! They don't care about the players, they care about the money!
After seeing her cake, Miko Grimes' emergency oral surgery doesn't come as a huge surprise.
I knew it was coming, but that was fast. 10/10