
Someone else who says “Canadia”!

This. A million times this.

Which is not where you’re supposed to use autopilot. But people do, and their risk for damage or injury to themselves or others rises.
People can’t follow the rules in a car where they have to do anything, so a few Tesla owners are likely to be just as irresponsible. Does that make the car unsafe? No! it proves the

I bought a poster of this car in 3rd grade. Thought I was the coolest thing.

While you are entitled to your opinion, I am partial to this family of designs because it features the Sears Tower and I am from Chicago. Also, the fact that each bill captures a piece of America as it IS, rather than a figure head of America past is attractive to me.

How hard is it to steer? I’ve heard it’s a bit of a monster for us plebs because we’re so used to powered steering.

Thank you! That is quite interesting.

Valid points.

Fun fact: “License” is spelled “licence” every single time in that Wikipedia article.


Or maybe, Joseph Stromberg, the reason the Autobahn works so well is because not just anyone can drive on the road. (Un)scientifically speaking, German licenses are 1000% percent more exclusive than licences in the US.

The Germans have engineered a driving test you can fail. After paying nearly $1800 dollars (or more).

Is there a way to see the information that Facebook has on us? A complied list that tells me how much Facebook thinks I make and whether or not I’m pregnant?

You got track and field way wrong. Practices with high cardiovascular (and sweat and musk) output that run (literally) continuously for an hour or more are going to be at least as offensive as wrestling. The simple fact that we're leaner and less prone to harm our significant other on account of significant muscle

What about the tailgating SUV? I hope that guy learned his lesson and the victim got some money for it.

3rd round: Definitely more consistent. Calculating more.
4th round: Absolutely superb, where I’m normally no better than mediocre.

1st round: Bad. Lets say it was a warm up.
2nd round: I wasn’t “Better”, but I felt I had a steadier hand and pulled a trick or two out of my butt I may not have otherwise pulled.

I’m going to play some Battlefield and see if having this on in the background improves my game.
Right now it feels like my ears/temples are throbbing.

The character in that photo looks suspiciously like Dan Luvisi's Gabriel.

This is totally true for me. I only just learned how to ride a bike as an adult, but now commute by bike daily. I take some risks, and I don’t get to read since I’m not taking a train anymore. However, I made a major life-choice recently, and if I wasn’t biking, I wholeheartedly believe that I would be much worse off.

That’s hot.

That’s hot.

You out to change the title to read