
Very true. A spy who can cook and had a great sense of humor is hard to resist.

Ha ha. Do you even need to put the word, "project," before Spitfire? Holy Glutton for punishment Batman. Also, very cool!!! What a great project car. What model and color is it?

And like that, she was gone...

You spelled "hellish" wrong. Actually, with enough bacon grease and more power...

LOLZ!! Wow. Didn't think I'd need therapy until you dropped that spectacular image into my head. Good lord man.

Ha ha ha!!! I'm not that addicted to the interwebs;) I do like fresh air. I'm actually out in public...talking to you. Wait. Oh dear. Am logging off in a few.

Yes. However, my iPad is also now compatible with the new commenting system. I found that out today.

Heh. MMMM, bacon. Hello back, Teampenske:)

You forgot to add "who'd you rather do?" Hard choice. They both look like they'd be down with bacon. I'd go for an Unholy Clarkson Bacon Child sandwich.

Yes. I saw the words "closed canopy," thrown around a lot in the past two days. I think we'll have to wait and see what happens after the initial heat of this situation dies down. The first race ban in 18 years has many shocked and started a necessary discusion on several levels IMHO. If they do race with closed

The ban was warrented, but the wording was unfortunate. I can't remember exactly they said, but it was something along the lines of the ban was handed down for "taking out a championship contender." Cause fuck those HRT guys right? Will Buxton wrote a good piece on his blog regarding the aggressive level drivers have

Would you ever ride a motorcycle?

Good bye Peter. I'll miss reading about your adventures, but also your art and auto related posts very much. Best of luck with everything.

How do you know we're not going back? Do you work for Gawker? If you're happy, then fine, but many of us aren't with clicking, clicking, and clicking, nor do we have the time. Gawker has changed before. We don't have to leave, we can express our displeasure and hope that they listen and change. If you've gone to the

Ha ha! Yeah. Messages aren't working, but now everyone knows what we PM each other about besides cars. Art! I gave a few guys my email address before 6.0 hit, just in case. I can't post it publicly now:/ I'm sure they'll enable the feature again. I love the image, thanks for sharing Gimmi:)

Exactly this. Between the FP and the glitches like not being able to reply to myself to make photo threads or news theads for Mondays with McNewbie or any other day, I'm spending less time here. I'm clicking less. I'm posting less. I'm reading less. It was fun and easy, now it's an exercise in frustration. Denton

I missed Rob's rants, but part of the fun of the FP was reading the comments. On top of that, often times you learned something from them. I did anyway. Industry types were leaving more comments when Matt took over, and now I don't have the time or patience to sort through and find those comments or good comments

"Hey Leo, glad you remembered me." Hahaha!! Whew, awkward. Orlove looks like he's being forced to sit across from his high school gym teacher who diddled him behind the bleachers.

Speed does a one hour wrap up of WRC after the race is over. At least they started showing it this season.

Dusty, when you email the help desk, let them also know what version of iOS you're running. I think you're posting from your iPhone, so let them know that also. They are getting back to us to try to nail down issues.