
You were there? Lucky bastard. I kept photos I pulled from twitter and web sites. It looked amazing. Yeah, sometimes replying to myself and others worked, sometimes it didn't. I'll try again tomorrow.

Yeah. Loeb is well on his way to his 9th WRC Championship in a row. Repeat. His 9th Championship in a row. If I was the still undeniably talented Ken Block, I'd be stoked too. Grönholm is also out, so there's that. I had him ftw.

At least he was on! It's the little things. Like even being able to comment or view comments. I think you were the one who told me when 5.0 went live, there were many issues also for months. I'll be patient for a while. Like I told NinetyQ, it's coming at a terrible time. Just when Matt is putting his stamp on this

So. 6.0 is letting me reply to you repeatedly, but not myself or NinetyQ.

1963 Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe driven by Kenny Brack at the Festival of Speed.

Second attempt

Another one from the Festival of Speed. 1963 Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe driven by Kenny Brack.

Thanks. Here's number one. I tried replying to NinetyQ a few times and only 1 went through.

Archive is off limits, at least for now. Who knows if we'll ever get to see them. My Mondays with McNewbie are all gone:(

Great. Glitches abound. It's not letting me reply to myself to make a photo dump thread. make sure you email the help desk if you haven't already, and let them know what issues you're having so they know. Tell them what browser and laptop/computer/phone etc you are using. They need to know what glitches still need to

Heh. I love BMW's, the meme was funny;)

LMAO!!! That needs the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" treatment.

Great. Now I won't be able to sleep for a week with that visual in my head.

Sounds like all the fixings for a good horror flick.

Now that you mentioned it...How good are you with leather? Between the assistant's hide from earlier today, and Mitt's aides, I bet we could cover the seats and dash. I shall pay you in Platinum.

Replying to approve.

Sweet Honey in the Rye! I would have screamed so loud and at a high enough pitch to shatter glass.

<——My pussy. You may feel free to kneel before me. Bow and scrape, Orlove, bow and scrape.

I sold it and donated the proceeds to a combination hospital/veterinary clinic that takes in kittens, grandmothers, and auto company owners who's egos have been run over by Jalopsnark.