
Fuck that shit. I'd be terrified, and yeah, call 911 ASAP. I'm sort of surprised the police didn't come, unless they didn't realize how shady this actually looks. IIRC, it's also illegal to block a public road unless it's an emergency.

True. This is the first motorcycle to have VVT on both the intake and exhaust camshafts.

Two Wheels Bad Ass.

I'm ticking the " all of the above" box. I wonder how it smells? Road food, booze, and all that.

Jordan, great job at LeMans this past weekend:)

New Miata.

Oh yikes. Hmm, several Canadian journalists seem to be on a Mazda Test drive state side. Besides, a polite Canadian would fess up to this right?

Ha! Yeah, sorry about that. I should have said there's no speed limit, and free bacon for everyone 24 hours a day:)

It's an island where people live normal lives day to day. Sorry to break up any fantasy of a lack of speed limits, but there are very much speed limits on the island, and police to enforce them.

Yeah. That's it. You nailed it. Congratulations. Enjoy your prize. And to think, after you left a comment on my motorcycle piece, I was beginning to think you might have some wits about you.

Thanks for taking the time to leave such an informed comment that contributes so much to the discussion. /rolls eyes.

Oh, I wouldn't, regarding investing my last dime in Tesla:) That said, I've gone from "meh," about Musk and the company, to being impressed with how they handle the good, the bad, and the ugly. Starting a car company is risky, to say the least. Watching how they've handled everything from dealer law suits, to the

Ah ok. Thanks for the clarification. I thought a junk bond rating meant bad investment or the company is in danger. Makes more sense.

You making up quotes is a sign of the mentally unhinged. Go elsewhere, and let sane adults who aren't lacking in reading comprehension continue the discussion.

Agree, and the less expensive car they are building needs to do at least moderately well.Yes, there is risk, as there is in any investment. I just don't see it as junk bond status risk.

Perhaps, but so far Telsa has managed any issues that have arisen beautifully. I think shoveling them down to junk bond status is extreme.

"S&P's reasoning for the rating reduction is Tesla's "vulnerable" portfolio, which includes "narrow product focus, concentrated production footprint, small scale relative to its larger automotive peers, limited visibility on the long-term demand for its products and limited track record in handling execution risks."

Now playing

No one beats a Two Wheels Good spokesman. If we're going best/worst, John McGuinness wins hands down. Whether he's putting together this bit as a James Bond type that left me crying, wincing and laughing in equal measure, or telling a reporter "he'd rather finger his own father," then do something, no one beats a road

Nice RSD Concept. Love Roland Sand's work. Obsessed with older BMW bikes. Talk about easy to work on. Which is good, since they break down:/ Unless you bought that bike, might want to do an image credit. Some of us are very 2 wheels good on here, and are also big fans of Bike Efix;) Bikes are good for wrenching, but

Not sure why there's focus on whether this recording had been doctored or not. Sterling was already proven to be a racist in court already. His views have been crystal clear going back almost a decade. The NBA has had plenty of opportunity to fine or punish Sterling in the past and have done nothing. While perhaps