
Done that one numerous times. There's nothing like being stuck behind a monstrous RV, and just laughing, knowing there's nothing you, or they, can do about it. You just hope they pull over at some point and enjoy the view in the meantime.

So true, those teasing French Minxes:( I loved/love the Onyx. Loving a Peugeot concept is like accepting the fact it will be a one night stand only.

Yup. I believe Jenson Button said something similar when he brought up this subject over the winter. The messed up thing about Hammy, Massa, et all, thinking that they don't want weight restrictions, is that horse jockeys have huge issues with weight and eating disorders. Notoriously so. Sooner or later, F1 will have

Haha. Will Power. "I think you're a bit of a Picks." High five.

In summation. There was an argument on reddit. In this instance, over Tesla. I'm sure Musk barely gives it one ball scratch.
/Goes back to petting the dog.

"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Yes, we name ours, too. P"
Heh. Haven't named mine, although from time to time, I do refer to them as curb feelers;) Also, it does suck trying to find riding leathers that you can shove your boobs in that don't make you look like some teen's porn star fantasy.
I think we have the good old

True, and at WGI races, I've seen the same, so progress.

Yes? No. Wait. I think we're speaking along the same lines:) Yes, that's it.

That's a lot of white. A lot a lot. I like my men a bit more swarthy, of you will.
Look, I think grid girls, booth professionals, or any female models put out there in the auto world is as ridiculous and sexist to men as it is to us ladies.
It's as if OEM's are saying their car is shitty, but hey, maybe a pair of tits

This is the only image I could find of Grazziano Rossi with Valentino as a small kid on his bike.

I did kick John Mayer out of my life for being a wet rag, and I love candy and Snoop Dog, so yes, I am she.

Yes, to all of the above, oh mighty ThunderBearGodRallyMasterDude.

I am Suvi Pakkanen
SUVI — Means summer in Finnish.

Yeah, I saw that after I could go back and edit:( Sometimes on my mobile device, spellcheck and autocorrect don't seem to register with Kinja.
Also, thanks for saying I came close to COTD. Just fired it off flippantly, so to speak.

Yeah, he's dead. As Patrick's lengthy NINE sentence article states, he landed and body parts exploded all over covering men, women, children, mountain goats, and tiny baby kittens. It was awful. You could smell Monster Energy drink, fuel and an oder not unlike burning French fries for miles around.

Now playing

Perhaps he meant to do a front end over end flip. He was the first to do a back flip in a car in snow.

Charming little post there, and that's all I have to say about it.

F1, a parade, followed by a protest, followed by a lawsuit, followed by an appeal, followed by...
As it has been ever so.
At least fans have been treated to new drivers at the front, so the amount of F1 parades will be less this season. Oh, and no life threatening exploding tires, so improvement there. Keep it up,

Good news! The race is now a Red Bull Signature series event and will air on tv!
Bad news, not until July 6th.
Links aren't embedding on my mobile devices, but check out the main site for info, vids, and YouTube clips:
Race Dezert will be covering the race live, with radio feeds, clips, maps, etc. ht

No Mint 400? That's some disrespect right there. Btw, DeMarcus Ware is competing this year. Turns out, he's quite the hardcore motorsports enthusiast.