
No, but I can ask. I just want him to stop, that is all.

You're a starred commenter. You should know better. I realize this remark might be a one off, but you're laying it on thick. Hit the breaks and move on.

You know what Land of Minos? I was going to let the "cunt" comment slide, but now you're piling on. Knock it off, or I will ask that you're banned from Jalopnik. "Cunt" and PMS jokes? Are you kidding me? You're capable of much more. Yeah, she's annoying. Cunt is taking it too far.

Yup. I'm waiting for for the first Jalopnik article when some guy inserts the red key and wrecks his Stang, hopefully only ruining the car and not hurting himself or anyone else.

Then you must be a skilled driver or confident in your abilities. From what I read, the red key isn't for noobs;)

The TracKey option for the BOSS 302 is pretty sweet.

Good for her. I'm glad more women are getting involved in motorsports. NBC News did a report on Nicole Lyons tonight, a fantastically talented driver trying to make a NASCAR run who builds cars and owns her one auto shop. Yeah, she's easy on the eyes also. You know who else is easy on the eyes? Carl Edwards, Kasey

Petter Solberg driving a Ford Fiesta RS WRC? I'll take it.

Alright, alright. I missed that one. My apologies:/

Come on Graverobber. You're trolling us hard lately. Give us a NP everyonce in a while.

What's up next for your increased global marketing plan? Anything else besides funny tv commercials?

There is, which is why Ford is sicing their legal team on GM. Smart that these companies are getting into a bitch slapping contest of Super Bowl Sunday. Hello publicity. I hope their lawyers charge Super Bowl Sunday rates also. Embarrassing and a pox on both their houses.

LOL. Welcome to Jalopnik. Have fun, and no trolling.

"Time to sell,,,,, lets make a deal,,, trades considerred,,,just dont offer me junk or stupid shit"

Ugh, well there's that:/ Yeah, I've known someone who's died riding and plenty O injuries. It can be dangerous no doubt.

Dayum! Had to turn down the volume on my iPad! Nice.

Got it. Yikes, I'm sorry you know someone who died while riding one. Bikes can be hazardous, which is why I never ride around NYC.

LOL. Hard.

MF Nibbles!!

You're lucky I like you, or you'd get an Internet punch. Everything motorized GOOD!!