
Hoiberg is right. Here’s the rub: Thomas is not the only player that carries the ball. But the refs completely missed a double dribble on one of those crossovers against Butler in which he touched the ball with both hands.

Newsflash: people like you cost us the election, and not only are you too dumb to realize it you’re still reveling in it for some insane reason. Please stop talking forever so we can get to work cleaning up your mess.

You know who are even bigger assholes than “Bernie Bros”? Idiots that still blame Bernie for Hillary’s loss.

That’ll get comment of the year

This unprecedented COTD move came too late for one D.B. Pooper.

Totally agree.

This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I

I dunno, if the right hard drive goes unexplored, I can see plenty of games, especially from 1997 and earlier, being indefinitely lost. Hell, that open world South Park title would have gone completely undiscovered if the right person didn’t get their hands on that 360 Dev unit, as no one else ever even mentioned the

Berserk too.

This is a dumb comment. Do better.


Yeah, we spend tons of money and time customizing cars, yet somehow vanity plates just feel severely uncool.

Yours actually appears to be in even better shape

Roll on, you Sturdy Golden Bear! Just be sure not to hit Oski!

“I intend to live forever. So far, so good.” - Steven Wright

If anime hair were a car, it would be that van, but painted some bright, garish color.