
To be fair to the NHL, it’s been in the Olympics since 2008, and it hasn’t helped them climb out of 4th.

Serious question i cant believe i am typing. Was god abe lincoln on mars?

As soon as I read that story (he did provide the link for the actual part) I seriously contemplated putting it in my current ride... and maybe even my lawn mower.

LED washer nozzles. Been there, bought those, because they were actually less expensive than stock nozzles. I did NOT wire up the lights. Though they would’ve gone well with the rest of the car. I called its terrible decoration motif “ghetto rice.”

I would do this now. In fact I might.


I installed that ice cream truck music thingy on one of my cars, specifically for use during track days. It’s made for many laughs at Laguna Seca, and generally makes it easier to get point-by’s..... “dammit, that ice cream truck car is behind me again” :::points by:::

For a time around here, horse whinnying was a thing to have on your horn. And a guy yelling at full lungs “GET OUT OF THE WAAAYYYY”. And the noise of chickens. I think they came all in the same package, with a remote to choose which one was more convenient for your situation.

How is this dumb? This is hilarious.

Every time I’m driving and notice a questionable noise or smell, I assume it must come from my car, which is about to explode.

But that was the best stage music tho!

I wanted it. Carrying over gear would be stupid.

A sawzall...

I think the worst part of this story is that you leased a Neon.

Did you know that the reason Mini Cooper’s exhaust looks like soda cans at the end is because the designer forgot to put exhaust tips on the demo car. He looked around the room and all he saw was empty beer cans. He stripped the paint and put them on the car. The higher ups loved the design and it stuck...

“I mean, you wouldn’t be buying it to send a kid off to college in”

As the guy who did the 300Zx well knows.

New rule: Umpires get zero. You get zero ejections a year where you get to send somebody packing for saying some wild shit to you. You can still eject a pitcher for headhunting, and if a player is delaying the game and continues to jaw after a warning, then you can toss him, but no more pretending you’re the big

It was so great to meet yall and to see your daughter so excited about meeting Simona!! I’m super glad you guys had a good time. And I totally agree about Long Beach - the FE calendar just isn’t the same without it!

I’m sorry, but in what world are these photos graphic? Also, the blistered finger? This is why people say we’ve gone too far in nannying everyone.