
Wait. So orcas can't be stored because they're social but you're okay with they way they live in captivity—not in appropriate social groups? That makes less than no sense. I'm glad you like your job at Sea World, but they are like the Evil Empire. Too bad.

Hello secret troll for Sea World! How can I tell you are a shill for Sea World? Because you are quoting non-facts direct from the Sea World lie factory. For example, the fins are not made of cartilage, they are made of collagen that normally hardens in adolescence. Second of all, fin collapse is ACTUALLY rare in the

Oh, please. Planned Parenthood provides 2.7 million people with reproductive health care in a year in the U.S. The attack videos are about the legal right to abortion. If they close, we can’t shuffle those people to other places. We saw that in Texas. We can do so with Sea World.

Maybe they shod stop breeding more of them for te captive wildlife trade, then. They can claim that they’re breeding for “conservation”, but none of yet animals they breed are released to the wild, so that’s bullshit.

Huh, turned out he completely skipped the part where he was actually stalking them in person.

The Minnesota Twins and Adrian Peterson are silently thanking Norwood for bumping their stories off the front page of the sports section. Sigh. Being a MN fan is rough business.

As Dan Savage says, the reason that people think open relationships don’t work is that, by and large, the majority of people in them don’t make it public. So pretty much the only open relationships you see publicly are the ones that are failing.

To be fair, if I were named “Tilman Fertitta,” I would take it out on my employees too.

To your final point:

portland doing something good accidentally feels really accurate.

I have an anti-abortion, anti-contraception, anti-vaccine friend. She had the nerve to make a Facebook post about how unconstitutional she found this law, because vaccination should be a personal choice. It took all I had not to type “roflmao"

My Child My Choice!

“It is about defending the fundamental freedom of a parent to make an informed decision.”

I love the Shedd. Born and raised in Chicago the Shedd and Museum of Science and Industry are still my favorite places to visit from time to time. I mean sometimes I’d rather pay to go than fight the crowds on free days I love them so much!

But Shedd is a beautiful place. And while Luna (the otter pup) got the

I think you might have stopped reading halfway through, because we devoted an entire section to taking care of your own needs and how important it is that you speak up about your feelings. No one ever said it’s your fault for choosing to be hurt:

Plus! Plus! If you read through the actual transcript, all three of these kids seem incredibly brave and willing to stand up to the judge (WHO IS SUCH A FUCKING BULLY IT’S UNREAL) and to their dad, who is just standing there, not doing shit. At one point, after the 15-year-old is taken away, the 9- and 10-year-olds

I’m a family law attorney, and my office has been up in arms about this all week.

Huh, you don’t usually see KY preventing gay couples from coming together.

Why do these sufferers insist on thinking that the disease is biological and not mental? We have a long way to go towards accepting that mental illness is illness, don’t we?