Why bother with the stroller? Isn't that what the front basket is for?
Why bother with the stroller? Isn't that what the front basket is for?
I only partially agree with this. The G Wagen, like the Land Rover, is an immensely capable vehicle that has traversed some of the roughest terrain on Earth. However, as a result of the SUV boom, both have been relegated to soccer field parking lots and rap videos.
"Florida man" better be careful, lest he make the news yet again.
I owned exactly one Integra. It was stolen and recovered about a month later. And when I say recovered, I mean that the cops found the body shell (stripped literally to bare metal) that had been set of fire.
I had a question about horses and ducks, but I can't remember the punchline.
I appreciate his humility in even posting the video. If it were me, I'd take this secret to my grave. Still, I can't think of any ways that he could have handled this situation worse. At what point do you point a garden hose down the barrel of your carb? Now he has two problems to solve.
I owned an '86. It was easily the most fun to drive car I've ever owned. You sit ultra low and it drives like a go-kart. In a way, it reminds me of what the GT-86 is now.....a car that celebrates driving dynamics, without worrying about how fast you're actually going. A MkI MR2 would be a great investment.
Aren't the connecting rods chosen to be all of the same weight for balance issues? Seems to me that having one rod off may have actually hurt performance, not improved it.
You know a car feels shame when the license plate tells you what to do to put it out of its misery.
Dat ass
"Top Down" and "Just Another Day" are also great driving songs. I also have his full discography on a USB drive in my car at all times. You never know when that urge is gonna hit ya!
The really sad thing is that the car's sole selling points are the headlights and rear suspension. Are either of those items at the top of any luxury car buyer's shopping list?