
There is some kind of long roof two cars to the left of that Insight and I want to know what it is

Yeah, that’d mean he had to do stuff.  He probably just has a strategy, or a mission statement

While the blue swirl is indeed wierd, I’ll bet it’d look fantastic on the Sega Sports black Dreamcast.  Swap out the LED I wish I had the skill and confidence to do it myself...

I bought my 2013 Mazdaspeed3 new 6 years ago.  I absolutely love it, but I cross shopped it with its contemporaries, the decidedly not luxury Focus, WRX, and Golf.  Now I know the new ones are a lot nicer than my current one, and as much as I love my car and the styling of the new ones, if they go up much further I’d

With my 13 Mazdaspeed I was told by the local not approved dealer that they had to get permission to work on my car on a per issue basis.  If approved, their own mechanics do the work and everything is fine.  If they aren’t approved, the local dealer has to send the car to an approved one to do the work.  6 years and

And a Miata

Every time I think I can pick a side I remember this model Bronco... and then this model RamCharger and I just can’t make up my mind...

AMC were making rugged looking cars at a time when everyone wanted big and luxurious.  Now everyone wants tough and mean looking and AMC is long gone :(

I never noticed until you said something and now I can’t unsee it

If it were the 70s and I were buying, I’d probably go with the more traditionally handsome Pinto, but given 4 years of hindsight and a preference for the unconventional, I gotta go Gremlin

I agree, the Silverado is fuck ugly.  My neighbor just bought one in the ugliest shade of light concrete gray metallic...

The frustrating thing about Chevy’s design right now is that most of their cars are actually very sharp and handsome, but they’re also super anonymous.  They look generally good, but there’s nothing about them that stands out at all.

‘You see these two tow hooks? They look like tusks. And what kind of animal has tusks?’

For Mario RPG, I’d say keep the sprite based visuals, but redraw them in HD or 4K, otherwise leave the game unchanged

Port it to 3DS with the Dreamcast era visuals in 3D or update it for the Switch with those fluid Ni No Kuni style visuals, or fucking straight port Legends to the Switch, it doesn’t matter I’ll buy it

Respectfully disagree. My Mazda looks distinctly better with tinted windows than without. The first image is from the day I bought it, the second from a few years after getting the windows done.

In addition to what Lenny suggested, I'll throw out Duet, Way of the Warrior 1 & 2, The Wire, In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light, In the Pale Moonlight (my favorite episode of television ever), The Visitor, Nor the Battle to the Strong... Man, I could probably go on for a while but I'll stop there 

I wish I could go back and see it for the first time again. There are brilliant stories in every season

The Homecoming, The Circle, and The Seige is actually a 3 part arc that kicks off season 2

DS9 is on Netflix and Hulu.  Go correct this grievous oversight