
Understandable.  I rather liked that it felt like driving a car, but in the end we’re much happier with our Odyssey’s spacious and comfy interior

4 year old you mean?  The Mazda5 was offered with a stick up to its end in 2015

Bale committed, which I think helped a ton.  Honestly, I hadn’t realized that was McConaughey until after the movie was over, so even being over the top, its an impressive performance in what should’ve been a much cheesier film

I enjoyed it.  Its a fun popcorn flick, not to be taken too seriously.  At least it was original, unlike so many other films in the last 20 years

It was two glands in the mouth producing a pair chemicals that when mixed formed a sort of natural napalm.  This allowed them to turn countryside in to ash for consumption

The only time Garfield has ever been funny was the series Garfield without Garfield.  If you’ve never read it, give it a google and enjoy

Care to elaborate? I’m curious, but not so curious as to actually try and find a Garfield comic myself

Was the only reason I ever strayed from my Titan.  NovaLock/Obsidian/Juju was a vicious combo

Title should probably read

My stepdad still drives a 98 Dakota club cab with the V8.  That deep V8 rumble sounds all kinds of badass coming out of that truck

If I haven’t had the chance to see the last few MCU films (including Infinity War/Endgame) is this show gonna wreck stuff for me?  Its one of my current favorite shows and I’m really hoping not having seen the movies yet won’t preclude me from seeing this show too

When is Grandia II hitting Switch?  Its the only game I’m excited about this year and we haven’t had any information since the fall.

Mazda knows how to make great colors.  Mine is Velocity Red, which I love, but I only got it because Celestial Blue was discontinued two years before mine was manufactured.  That said, there’s not much I wouldn’t do to have my Mazda in that stunning metallic British Racing Green in the article.

Is there any car that doesn’t look better in British Racing Green?

Honestly I’m just happy to see Fred Savage working again.  Dude disappeared for ages and then suddenly reappears in the depressing Netflix show Friends from College.

He ended up in a Cardassian penal colony for stealing the Defiant on behalf of the Maquis

Last I’d heard most of the DS9 VFX assets were lost, so the biggest thing holding up HD DS9 is the need to completely rebuild many of the VFX shots from scratch

The official shorthand is DSC. Much like prior series were abbreviated TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT, the Star Trek is not part of the shorthand

I’d like to add the payoff to the Avengers attempting to lift Mjolnir, which is when Vision casually picks it up and passes it along to Thor as though it were just a hammer, shocking everyone and proving his trustworthyness all in one simple shot.

Seems like everytime Netflix drops a show, Hulu picks it up.  At this rate, all I need is for Disney+ to drop for me to ditch Netflix and never look back