
Seriously. They could have at least called it ScarletVision, but no00000

‘so it could only be viewed at certain angles’

Came here to say this.  It happened before, and it was a cautionary tale.  Don’t repeat the mistakes of the past

Which is funny, because in North Texas they’ll use the no front plate excuse to pull over visiting Oklahomans, who aren’t required to have front plates

I remember that one.  Underrated show, disappointed its not on any streaming services

Is it just me, or does Bandersnatch Cumberbund's American accent make him sound like Tom Selek? 

I never thought I’d be lusting after Lincolns and Buicks, but damn they’ve been on point with their designs lately

As much as I’d love for them to make this happen, I still won’t buy one.  My ‘13 Speed3 is still going strong with no signs of letting up

Bioware really nailed it with KotOR.  To the point that I don’t even like Star Wars, but this game is a damn masterpiece

Convincing Americans to pronounce it correctly rather than saying PYOO-jit is going to be the hardest part.

That interior screams Parts Bin Special

Dude on the left’s hand is on backwards o.O

They’ve done some damn clever kids music

Its almost like that’s how fiction works

I’m honestly surprised I had to dive this deep to find this suggestion.

All of this.  As a player you are under no obligation to do anything beyond what is required to win.  This guy played the game exactly enough to get a leg up on his opponent, its on the opponent to negate that advantage in order to force play, otherwise he can sputter and spin for all I care.

Not gonna lie, thats close enough I’m legitimately tempted by this car...

Seriously, whats the point in keeping the miles low if you’re not gonna use it? Those miles are gonna end up there anyway, and city driving is worse for your car anyway, so this logic never made sense to me

I don’t care for Leno as a person, but as a car guy he really is pretty great.  He’s got this garage full of desirables and seems to make it a point to put miles on all of them

Not to sound to sappy, but every car is special as long as the owner thinks so. My last two cars were a 98 V6 Dodge Stratus and a 92 Saturn SL2 and I enjoyed the shit out of both cars.  No one will ever double take at either of those vehicles, no one else in the world would ever give a damn about them, but for the