Maxawe Some

Have race tires not radically improved in the last 35 years?

Parents on one flight, kids on the other?

Yeah, but he was black; we were supposed to be worrying about him being black, which apparently is way worse than being blatantly evil in public.

I think i ask this on every password manager article, but it hasn’t been answered, what happens when your password manager account is hacked?

You would, if you weren’t clued in to the fact that in 1760, the royal family agreed to basically let the revenues from all its holdings be controlled by the House of Commons, and in exchange the royals started receiving a fixed annual income called the Civil List. The amount of money the royals received is dwarfed by

I bet you’re a working class benefit scrounger, and jealous of our Royal Highness and her achievements. Go back to your council estste WORKING CLASS PESANT! – God Saved the Queen, WE CIVILISED THE WORLD, United Kingdom (timestamp unknown; comment deleted by moderators)

So the gist is “Yeah, all those tourists come here for a glimpse of royalty, but like, maybe they would anyway?”

Bad for business. The Royal family is a cash cow for tourism. Gut them and they’re a rich man’s Canada.

arrest the kids

I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.

Never Seen a cop say to “keep the camera rolling”...

Again: that’s 400 million years of no fucks given right there

This is the correct take.

The only photos of Michelle we have rights to are of her alongside Patton. So it was either a close, awkward crop, or something resembling the one I used, which I think is actually sort of sweet—especially because he has continued her work.

Thank you PV! I’m so fed up with all this let’s-feel-sorry-for-Melania crap.... enough already. Bitch made her goddamn bed; let her rot in it. No one forced her to marry that evil orange turd. She wanted the life of a privileged trophy wife - now she’s got it. Fuck her if she’s unhappy. There are people suffering in

Melania chose this. My sympathy is near nill, Boy Gorge was exactly what was written on the tin, and I’m sure language was no barrier in understanding what that meant. So while she might be a decent person I’m sure that her reasons for marrying the turd had nothing to do with decency.

Only a little. I actually do love it when there are certain cars rumbling along in traffic; AMG _63's (probably my favorite frequent sighting/hearing), SRT_almostanythings, Jag f-types, BMW M_whatevers, Astons., gnarly little Abarths, etc. In this morning’s traffic it was the GTR that got the award for sounding just

Chris Harris would undoubtedly get his hands on one and hoonage would commence.

Absolutely! This is how trickle-down economics are supposed to work: Incredibly wealthy people are able to share their incredible fortune with us poors by sharing the magnificence of the things they buy. My life is improved by hearing absurdly powerful engines making wonderful noises as they pass by. Just this morning

I still want to let AMG go all out and make a new Red Pig out of an S65. I bet if they made 50, they would sell all of them overnight.