all praise the company doing beta testing.....thats not tesla!
all praise the company doing beta testing.....thats not tesla!
idk why i read these comment. i never played wow, so his points AND your counters meant nothing to me
Thats fine. A lot of players can’t fathom how anyone enjoys the mission tables, dungeon lobby, Pokemon battle, Barbi dress up game that wow has become. People can like games for different reasons. Hope you’re still enjoying beta for azeroth.
“Perhaps it’s maturity but I tend to think it’s the perspective that comes along with having done that and having had this much time to look back on the horrible person you could become”
I mean, that’s kinda what maturity is, isn’t it? Kids are obsessed with being right, the right way of things, being better... but as…
I liken it to meat and its processing.
The people were always the reason to play, not so much the game quality itself. Some of my favorite memories were in college turning 3v3 arena into a drinking game, where we were required to finish a beer before the (usually short) battle was over.
I got suckered back in by my best friend. I hate the grind but when it was all over and ubrs/strath/mc cycles started being the only thing to do I found something the first round of WoW didn’t have. Perspective.
An experienced, certified welder can make over $200 / hr, and looking at all the shit that exhaust has to pass through...yeah, $4k actually sounds pretty cheap. I’ve charged $6k for a stainless system on a ‘57 Bel-Air where there weren’t even any pass-throughs. $4k sounds pretty legit, especially if they’re welding it…
Mine has 340k miles on it but haven't turned a wrench on it in the 12 years I've owned it. Time is money and for me, it's not worth it anymore so I pay someone else.
I thought you meant actual cats when I read this......
So, basically, you are saying that a lot of what I see on YouTube— might not be actually true?
Not to mention the fact that he’s an ex-Mercedes dealer tech. So while he’s not specifically a BMW expert, he’s a hell of a lot more knowledgeable, and better equipped with tools/lifts/etc. than pretty much any average Joe Shadetree.
He’s got 270k followers and a lot of his videos have the same title. “I took a 400k mile AMG To the dealer and GUESS WHAT THEY QUOTED ME!!”
“Despite having no experience working on BMWs”
I understand the frustrations of these players but if your main source of income comes from streaming a single game (or if you are a content creator of any sort really) and it’s not on your own platform that you built, you have to expect these kinds of developments. You are at the mercy of the platforms in which you…
Dude, spoiler! I was going to finally watch that one.
While true (and stupid) it does at least attempt to maintain some amount of continuity as does 3 when they had to explain that what Connor received was only a small part of the real prize to justify that there were still immortals around.
Huh. Was this a fanfic? I mean, everyone knows there was only one movie and a TV series. There were NO other movies. Ever. The end.
That, plus they won’t want to overshadow Captain Marvel too much. For now any Avengers trailers will likely be subtle rather than epic and then I’d put money on just before the Captain Marvel movie is released expect a trailer that drops her in right at the end to push more people to go see Captain Marvel at the…
I have a feeling they’re going to show very little footage in all the trailers. This seems like they (rightfully) want to keep a lot of surprises.