Maxawe Some

Didn’t they cancel ST:D ?

No data is secure from the owner of the WIFI.

Spain has both F18 and Eurofighrer. The writer was lazy and used a random picture of a Spanish jet.

With 18 you’re an adult. Act like one, or support the consequences.

They launched the idea of another Rey movie, to see the public's reaction. People hate Rey. They will probably cancel the whole thing.

They were all bad films. Lazy and bad.

No more Rey. Get that kid with the broom, have Luke’s Force Ghost train him. Let Luke restart the Jedi order.

Article written by Linda Codega, that's obviously an AI generated name.

I bet AI wrote this article. Some early version of a bad AI software.

Yeah, the moment it was obvious this is a musical, I stopped the episode.

I treid miltiple things during a 20 year a period. IF was what worked best for me. I started doing it before it was cool, and always resort to it when I need to get my weight in check.

But, why ?


I guess I’m the only one who thought this was a commercial for a legit musical. Since they all look corny as fuck to me, I can’t tell the difference between a real or a fake one.

I thought this is a real Broadway musical, produced by Disney.

Fahrenheit is far better for weather. - this is bullshit

I don’t know why that Snyder guy has so many fans, but it looks like anything he makes, they eat it up, no matter how shitty it is. So why not milk them to death ?

Clearly aliens. 

It’s because the show is not good, the characters are boring, and the animation is really bad. 

Because in the next movie we can get irradiated mutant zombies.