Pancake maker still not available ? Shame, Elon, shame !
Pancake maker still not available ? Shame, Elon, shame !
Honestly, I don’t know why people still play Retail, now that Classic is out.
Usually the trailer is enough to see if a movie is worth it or not. Since the internet was invented, we don’t need to buy a newspaper, to read what some critic has to say, we can now check the viewers scores. It’s interesting that Americans still take critics into account, it probably has something to do with the…
They could make Warctaft 4. Some hero lands in an alternate reality and triggers a war between races. They already did something similar with an alternate past in WoW.
Warctaft 2 is my all time favourite game ever, but I guess a remake is not a money maker for Blizzard.
Everything is relative.
Hitler was the perfect distraction for everything the West did. North American Genocide, Britain and France raping Africa and India... hey look, Hitler ! He’s evil, let’s remember him for killing 6 million Jews.
How many Cernobyls and Fukushimas do we need ?
They thought the shredder was part of the art. Probably some dude in the audience pushed the remote button.
The commercial aspect of it is the art.
What the fuck is wrong with you Americans ?
I have played since 2004 beta until 2010. Last time I logged in was when they finally made it free to play on your account with a sub level 20 character. I did it to see who was online, and not a single person of the ones I knew was there anymore. So I never logged in again. I had some good times, but life goes on.
But we must defend our guns, no matter the cost !
Because it’s Gawker, the writers have to be political, it’s in their contract. The problem is they mostly are shit at politics.
Exactly :)
World of Warcraft had a bunch of events like these, triggered by players.
It’s late here and I’m tired, but I read that as “space safari alien dentist with dreadlocks”, which made sense to me.
At least they picked a guy, that has to count for something nowadays.
They won’t make a NA engine just for the GT3 alone, it will be too expensive, so they’ll need to stick it in the GT3 RS too, with a bigger displacement and more power. The normal 911 will be a hybrid, then full electric, that’s when the GT3/RS will finally ditch the NA engine.