Maxawe Some

dope. no pun intended.

and really only humans would find sense in having a constructed diety of their own design determine how much art cost

He got $420, which means they were only worth $420. Just shows stupid people buy art because of the artist's fame, not because the art is any good.

I won't. I'll be eating the good food I bought, prepared, and saved while you were out gallivanting various antique stores hoping to strike it rich.

If the economy has collapsed, and you're desperate to eat, I think you'll eat antique MREs.

No, you keep dropping the price until it sells then that's what it is worth. Until that happens, it is worth what you paid for it, ie, the last price it sold at.

Maybe it's antique MREs.

But why would the original be worth a couple thousand? Because you or an appraiser said so? No, it would be worth whatever value it was sold at. Scarcity doesn't mean anything either. It's scarcity + demand. I have a single left sock and there is no other like it in the world, so does that mean I can sell it for a

Prove it?

Worth 225k? Says who? They will be worth 225k if someone buys them for 225k. I could put a 1 million dollar price tag on my 17 year old BMW, but that does not make it worth 1 million.

Of course, a simple analysis of the market (the people walking by the stall) indicates it's not worth more than $240.

Yes, the same people that have an interest in selling it at the highest price tell us what the art is worth...

Great analogy, Ill make sure to try and pay my next bill at the bar with works of art and see if they agree on my valuation that a stencil drawing on a napkin is actually worth $140.

and guess what - that's what it would be worth. That's what "worth" means. of course, your example makes no sense since money is simply the item we use to stand in for value and thus has fixed values. Art does not. It's worth is *only* what someone else is willing to pay for it.

Well, by definition of the Free Market doesn't it mean that the art was really worth $420?

Kind of makes you think about how art is just inflated by the upperclass as something they need to spend money on and make things expensive just to separate themselves.

Sooooooooo how do I unlock it to always perform at 2.3GHz on all 4 cores at the same time? It looks like the potential is there, just need to fire it up.

All the more reason to stop obsessing about specs. It's not like there's really anything else on the market like the Galaxy Note 3, either you like it or you don't. If you don't buy it because "Oh, it's 0.5% slower on some mostly-meaningless benchmark than some other device I don't like," you should just stop reading

"That shouldn't happen to identical SoCs."