
A spokesman for ESPN says they’ve been flooded with calls from white people overjoyed to see a black man rooting for them.

Angle fared better than the last guy who was in the ring with Mysterio.

“With the 29th pick in the 2016 NBA draft, Gregg Popovich personally selects Taurean Prince, Baylor.”

Does Donald do everything right? No. Does Donald do anything right? Just one thing. Donald gives really good butterfly kisses. You know, where you put your eye up to someone else’s eye and bat your eyelashes? That’s a butterfly kiss. It takes a special emotional connection to do properly. You can always tell a faker,

thanks for letting us know.

Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.

Fuck the HGH investigation, I want to know when Peyton Manning started injecting Don Knotts’s DNA.

A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

Man, I can’t wait to see what the papers will come up with for headlines tomorrow morning!


of course he does. it’s called “temecula younger”

Toronto police don’t have any complaints filed related to the incident, but the NBA and Clippers plan to investigate what happened, according to Amick.

Fortunately, the pelican considered the swimmer a pier.

Like I'm going to listen to the opinion of someone who goes to the airport to watch a movie.

“And this? This is how tall you want your bindle stick. Now you might be thinking ‘but Jimbo, that’s way too long! It’d get in the way, always hitting stuff’ But what you have to remember about the bindle stick, is versatility matters. Longer stick means it’s easier to poke out cameras watching dumpsters. Midget

Him: “Picaboooooo!”


Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.