Mattie Silver

I hear a line similar to this one used by people in Los Angeles all the time, like when people fought tooth and nail to kill the Target in Hollywood. “I don’t want development going up in MY neighborhood! It’ll block the view from my lawn!” How long were you expecting to enjoy all the trappings of suburban living

I remember the good old days when Peyser had 1,000 Twitter followers and was tweeting at hack Twitter comedians over and over and over and over again in the hopes that one of them would agree to be profiled for her gig with the Daily Dot. Then she matched with Martin Shkreli on Tinder and now she’s rubbing elbows with

It’s been a thing for ages, regardless of how you remember your little bubble existing all these years.

Really? Putting money into pretty much anything that would’ve pretty obviously weathered the Great Recession at the bottoming-out point and letting it sit there until last year seemed to work well for many people.

I think NBC is trying to do everything in their power to make me less interested in watching the Olympics. Tried streaming snowboarding from NBC Sports’ website yesterday and gave up when I got six commercials in as many minutes, sometimes a few seconds after a run with no transition to speak of.

I’ve heard Botswana is a fine place, mostly from NBC Olympic broadcasts where they talk about how Matt Lauer was in Botswana once and adored it no fewer than six times.

Except for Botswana, because Matt Lauer went to Botswana once and loved it.

Even now, you’d REALLY have to try to get banned from a mall. A mall! To paraphrase a tweet I saw from someone far wittier than I am, not even the dude who carries china dolls in a satchel and shouts about how the CIA can’t have them gets banned from a mall.

Low-rated MSNBC, Soros, Little Rocket Man trying to keep my high-energy topical posts down. SAD!

They should really just shut the whole thing down until they can figure out what the hell is going on.


I’ll never forget the half-season he played with the Milwaukee Brewers, where he posted a 1.77 ERA and briefly had a legion of fans in the bleachers called “Brick’s Chicks” who held up a sign reading “RESPECT THE BEARD. RESPECT IT!” every time he came out to pitch. It’s a shame they didn’t re-sign him and let him go

Let’s clarify the statement for you: LVMPD cops are incompetent nitwits regardless of race or creed. Better?

Man, Penn State really penetrated Iowa here; so much so, it was downright criminal. People will say they’ll never forget it, but in a few years they’ll just move on and act like it never happened.

If Deadspin published another article right now about Tim Tebow’s shitty throwing motion, you’d write a long rambling screed about how you’re not actually very religious at all but you hate Deadspin’s pro-Christian persecution stance.

One decent quarter is all he needs to get an 89 rating in the next six installments of Madden.

I definitely don’t deny that the Times and Post have been doing some great work reporting the horrifying mess that is this administration; the Post in particular. They’ve still both got conservative columnists in their stable for some reason (probably in the service of “objectivity” for the sake of objectivity, a trap


Sounds like the last days of Gawker to me.

I’m sure we’ll get an editorial from the New York Times soon about how this slip-up is evidence of Trump playing sixteen-dimensional chess and not just him being an old racist gasbag.