Mattie Silver

This doesn’t fly for me just like everyone excusing Tulsi Gabbard’s homophobia as a youthful indiscretion doesn’t fly for me. If you handwave away dumb shit you did as an elected official or someone mounting a viable bid for a reasonably meaningful elected office as “oh, I was just an idiot then, what can you do?”,

It’s not really “stalking” when you’d post in literally every comments section available to you just to either post a Simpsons GIF from 2009 or make some weird comment about how uppity and impolite you thought The Squad was. Of course your name would come to mind — you did a great job putting your name out there in

Must be nice to have a steel-trap bladder.

That’s kind of the idea I’m getting, too. I think Goodell is a bumbling corporate suit of mediocre intelligence above anything else.

Yeah, no need to overthink this. Lionheart indeed does not qualify for “Best International Feature” consideration based on the Academy’s criteria, but that says more about the people (re: stuffy old white people) who either forgot or don’t care to realize that there’s a whole bunch of people who speak a language that

If every white guy over 45 can intermingle baseball with his two other greatest loves, politics and Pining For the Old Times, then by God we can have our politics and sports together in one place.

...until you get to the part where the Bears miss 87 field goals in a game. I’m pretty sure most of us could’ve converted at least one of those.

He’s a better singer than Dylan, too.

You laugh, but that’s exactly what my school district would’ve done. Coincidentally, said district frequently shows up in the news these days as a target of bomb/shooting threats.

Mariota could go to Chicago and be their second-best quarterback in the last 50 years just by putting up a passer rating of 83.6 over the next five seasons.

Considering how making fun of Americans for being stupid and uninformed is the UK’s foremost pastime, it’s pretty pathetic that she was so underinformed about Bush’s presidency — or, rather, it’s right proper regrettable that she was a regulation tiddlywink about American goings-on. Such rot!

Things happen when your weird need to find something to attack Deadspin over today causes your mental faculties to temporarily suspend operations.

Jeff Daniels in an awful toupee is also going to end up playing Paul Manafort in the Donald Trump biopic and you fucking know it. Aaron Sorkin will write the screenplay, which means Rick Perry (who will have gone to Scott McClellan-level lengths to wash his hands of the Trump years by the point it exits development

A large, sprawling country with socialism for large corporations and the super-wealthy encouraging reverence for the state apparatus on a level normally reserved for religions? Sounds like another country I’m intimately familiar with!

I’m shorter than both of you and my hands are the same size as his. The only thing funnier than how small his hands are is how he’s been Streisand Effect-ing constant attention to this fact since time immemorial.

Gorka didn’t make Under Siege, so Seagal wins by tiebreaker.

Very pleased that the comments aren’t currently filled with ungrayed people who scrolled down in a fit of rage just to bloviate about the word “Latinx”.

You know, as much as I like participating in the threads slagging on politicians like Pelosi and folks here like DED who pine for a time in which folks like Ilhan Omar would just stop being so gosh-durned uppity and would understand that he and his kin folk just want to be free to go hunting and laugh at Dave

Unless this is a setup to some ancient Gawker joke I’m not a big enough brain to understand, yes.

And you’re meaning to tell me an organization as tightly wound and supposedly committed to infallible morals as the Patriots wasn’t privy to any of the Marvin Harrison-esque cloud of weird and suspicious shit surrounding Aaron Hernandez before he got charged?