Mattie Silver

As someone who got engaged to the love of their life and had their relationship just sort of suddenly come to a crashing end through no real fault of anyone’s own, my advice would be to try not to worry too much about what could go wrong if nothing is actively going wrong. If you spend all your time worrying about

I’m enthused about the building boom downtown. Guess we’ll see if it actually leads to something sustainable that spreads throughout the city or just turns Milwaukee into yet another large city with a few square miles of robust, shiny, young professional goodness surrounded by miles upon miles of stagnant sadness.

“It’s not MY problem because I don’t live within the city limits!”

Really appreciating all the comments here from folks talking about how Milwaukee doesn’t have any Bad Race Problems at all and how everything’s totally fine and being blown out of proportion by ne’er-do-wells from the coasts. Maybe spend less time machinating against Milwaukee’s repeated efforts to build a public

If ‘if’s and ‘but’s counted for anything in sports, the Expos would’ve won the World Series in a strike-free 1994 and Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre would have four rings apiece.

Weak argument, just like it was weak when Trump went on about how he found ways to minimize his tax burden because he “looks out for himself”. Are we supposed to just trust him to look out for the same folks he negatively affects by minimizing his tax burden to the smallest amount possible when he’s President just

Considering how many lies the mainstream media allowed Donald Trump to get away with unchallenged all these months -- Matt Lauer allowing The Donald to say he opposed the Iraq War in 2004 and therefore he’s always been against it, *a year after combat operations began*, without any sort of objection comes to mind --

God damn, I used to watch the Grey Cup on back before the CFL had a legitimate broadcast deal in the United States and their games were on “America One”. Memories!

“Obama outperformed his national numbers in Iowa and Nevada. Clinton underperforming hers.”

“Who will stand up for the rights of the regressed?!?”

This is how I feel about crabs. The animal, not the STD. Even if I gave up every other kind of animal meat entirely, I think I’d still have no issue eating crabs because they’re assholes who prowl around like they’ve got a grudge against everyone. They’re like the Donald Trump of the ocean.

My first thought, as well. Looking forward to the inevitable hot takes about how Brissett can’t be a Real American and a Real Boston Quarterback because he lacks the intangibles required to do so.

It’ll lead to a three-year, $40M deal with the Browns, where Brissett will put up a passer rating of 73.6 and be out of the league by 2020.

So what happens if Messi and Ronaldo’s careers are ruined? Does David Beckham make a glorious comeback with two bionic knees and rule European football with an iron foot for the next hundred years?

That or he’ll be like Nick Foles, insanely good one year and persona non grata the next. I’m sure Madden will rate the Eagles a 90 out of 100 regardless, though.

Sounds like the Braves fan in your office is really off their Rocker.

No kidding. Remember how cable news pundits were screaming in 2012 about how “THIS IS GONNA BE ONE OF THE CLOSEST ELECTIONS EVER!!!11!!!” and it took like half an hour for Obama to become the projected winner on Election Night? Same shit again this year.

Don’t worry, white people will come around on Colin Kaepernick in like 2066 when some other guy makes a civil rights statement and every white person rails on him, invoking Colin Kaepernick’s name and saying “He’d NEVER do something like this!!!!!!”.

I’m really, really glad the primo Kinja didn’t disappear with Gawker Media’s reorganization. +1 concussion

I don’t know, I’ve always felt like if I’m in a stall, the only way someone can identify me while I’m shitting is by looking at my feet — and if my coworkers are looking at my feet all day, well, then, they’re weirdos who probably deserve to hear me taking a huge shit anyway.