Mattie Silver

Holy shit, rent in Seattle is that affordable? Wow, my friend in Seattle really was right when he told me I was wasting my money living in Los Angeles.

Exactly! It’s totally cool if you’re a Republican, which means it’s cool so long as you limit your hateful rhetoric and/or killing to people who aren’t WASPs.

If poor white people can vote for Trump en masse, anything’s possible!

Pretty sure record labels put the kibosh on that after Metal Machine Music and Neil Young’s descent into electropop and rockabilly.

Where are all the red-faced conservative blowhards who shout “KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MUH SPORTS!!!!!!!!” every time an athlete pops up to support collective bargaining in the midst of yet another Republican-sponsored crackdown on public/private-sector unions now? Oh, right, IOKIYAR.

*Nick Denton voice* WE’RE JUST A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People, especially conservatives, loooooove to project.

Remember when Manny Pacquiao did that stupid HP tablet commercial where he finished with “HAHAHA! WE LAND SOME HITS!” and he was a veritable golden boy and everyone loved him? He’s a bigoted asshole. Floyd Mayweather is a woman-beating asshole. Athletes are assholes. Everyone’s an asshole. Existence is suffering and

Still loving how the CBA is a Who’s Who of eighth men from NBA Live 06.

Police forces in most major American cities were infiltrated and/or effectively taken over by white supremacists some time ago. Is that even a conspiracy theory anymore?

So it’s about the same as specifying that the Toronto Argonauts are a Canadian football team, not just a football team? Certainly something worth getting worked up over!

That’s how I felt about Same Love.

Joe, Pa.

Unoriginality/changing an unoriginal concept around just enough that people think it’s some whiz-bang groundbreaking idea is as old as time itself. It’s not like Pong invented volleying a ball back and forth.

I miss the glory days of peak Colts-era Peyton Manning and his team’s year-in-year-out “put the worst defense possible on the field and let God sort it out with our offense” strategy.

I dated a woman who taught preschoolers for about six months and it seemed like she caught a cold or the flu every other week, so I can definitely co-sign the first portion of your comment. Not co-signing the “porch monkey” bit, though.

Target’s also introducing (has introduced?) a bunch of gender-neutral clothing displays, aren’t they? This is another good move on their part, though their labor record still sucks and this is yet another step on the United States’ confounding march towards being more socially progressive yet also more economically

God, the Rio was fucking terrible. I mean, maybe it was okay for its time (“its time” meaning a month after its release), but still. My family got me one for Christmas shortly before the iPod came out and I don’t think that thing lasted longer than thirty minutes on a full charge.

Huh. Usually it seems to be old bigots telling young folk who “haven’t lived” to sit down and listen to them wax poetic for a little while longer in our society.

Now is not the time to joke about guns! Now is not the time to talk about guns! Never is the time to say anything about guns!