Getting a little tired of the “But what does our trashing of Bill Cosby as a society mean for those who looked up to him as a role model?” talk. Find another role model. Your dude’s a rapist who played characters on stage and television.
Getting a little tired of the “But what does our trashing of Bill Cosby as a society mean for those who looked up to him as a role model?” talk. Find another role model. Your dude’s a rapist who played characters on stage and television.
Most people would choose posting self-congratulatory bullshit on Facebook that causes their friends to laud them for how wise and tolerant they are over actually doing anything to bring about the sort of positive change they’re claiming to support in their viral posts.
Damn, if only teams like the Rangers put half the energy they spend on bitching about “breaking the unwritten rules of baseball” into winning games instead.
My PS3’s great because it plays Blu-Rays and a Blu-Ray player that also plays games is cooler than a standard-issue Blu-Ray player. That said, Microsoft’s post-Xbox consoles have all been gigantic failures and the 360 was probably the worst purchase I’ve ever made — and I bought a Wii U!
The story behind his current name is actually a bit cooler than that; he says Sananda Maitreya is a name that came to him in a series of dreams twenty years ago. Still love “Wishing Well” and wish he’d been hugely successful for a longer period of time — he’s as handsome as he is talented.
So it’s big in ‘exotic’ American cities popular with transplants? Good to know I was right when I said Florida is just California with even more axe murderers and neo-Nazis.
$6.5 million a year to pretend like you’re going to take some crappy team’s coaching job every season, only to pull out at the last minute because you “don’t like their style”? Sounds like a sweet gig.
It’s really too bad Raysism retired from Deadspin.
Kind of like Republicans pushing gay marriage bans in swing states like Wisconsin last decade to get out the vote, no?
Are true long snappers even in Madden? They weren’t when I stopped playing (~2012). Half of them weren’t even in the game, and the other half were super-low-rated centers :(
Speaking from a purely nationalistic standpoint, and as an American, 9/11 would’ve provided the perfect opportunity for us to expand our influence as a superpower even further than it already stood at the turn of the 21st century; the entire world was more or less on our side, or at least felt sorry for us. Instead,…
Is it just me or has fashion really fallen off a cliff lately? Like, even by its usual standards? I see “trendy” friends of mine in Los Angeles walking around wearing athletic sandals and bucket hats and I feel really old (I’m in my 20s) because I guess I just don’t get it.
Best sex I’ve ever had was with an obese person, though I think things eventually turned sour with us because they were used to feeling fetishized. Our society blows, yeah.
People in general can be pretty damn disappointing. Celebrities just have a larger (and more damaging) platform from which to broadcast their idiocy.
America’s Army is/was an official recruiting tool of the US Army paid for by the American government. Decent enough generic-ass FPS (at least it was when I last played it like nine years ago) if you can get past its reason for existing and all the NPCs shouting “HOOAH!”.
Green Bay’s a perfect example. Remember when the Packers made Mike Sherman their GM and head coach? That ended well!
Certainly no more egregious than the scoring decision that ended CC Sabathia’s no-hitter for the Brewers (lol) in 2008.
Why would you go into a Wisconsin bar wearing NU gear, especially when they make a huge-ass deal out of being “Chicago’s Big Ten Team” (or at least they did the last time I was in Chicago, approx. one year ago)?
Among other things, yeah.