
Precisely what I was thinking. This could even work in Hollywood. The trick would be getting the rights to use LFI images. Frank would essentially have to give them permission to portray her wretched life in all its wretchedness. But if she gets financially strapped enough, she may just do that. The contrast of the

I know that it's not really my place to scream protestations at the sky over the dissolution of the marriage of two strangers

What do you think society is comprised of and who who pulls most of the levers of power in that abstract "society" you blame? Individual men and women can and sometimes do take action on an individual level to make things less shitty, and in no realm is it more individual and more easy to do than the domestic realm.

Shit in, shit out.

BitchPunt, don't you know that you must blindly follow the lead of The Men in White Lab Coats? For They are Never Wrong, except when They Are, and when They Are, it is of course An Isolated Incident that has since been corrected and Why Can't You Put that Behind You? Do do otherwise is to invite the wrath of the

Horrific and predictably racist, to be sure, but I think Lindy is a bit off the mark with the "conventionally attractive" line of analysis. They're both fine-looking kids, but neither of them are terribly high nor low on the "conventional attractiveness" scale. They make her look as conventionally attractive as they

"[R]aining pert missiles of bosomy death" will be my catchphrase for the remainder of 2013. Thank you.

Despite what the law may say, 18, 19, 20 year-olds are children. Put a bunch of children into a house without adult supervision and you get Lord of the Flies. I hear there are a few Greek houses these days that are not evil and may even be quite good, but they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Greek houses have

Hmm. After reading this, I'm thinking Rashida (and I) need to redirect our criticisms.

Oh, and when I think of this debate, I tend to think of the opposite and preferred model as Janelle Monáe, so in my mind it's more like "Janelle vs. Miley" as opposed to whatever white woman and Rihanna. Rihanna is hardly on my radar, but every since the twerking thing Miley has been in my face for months, so for me

I was actually thinking more of Miley Cyrus myself, but your point is taken.

I'm with you, but I have a feeling we'll be shouted down momentarily.

I'll use this to convince my wife to cancel our gym membership.

Sex with my wife is really the only thing I do that makes me sweat so much that I actually smell. (I think. *sniff sniff*)

I wonder if the people who were so passionately defending Katy Perry's Orientalist embarrassment the other day will come out to defend this show as "hybrid" or a "tribute."

But I don't even know whose vulva that is. I want to make one of wife's vulva. No, wait. Then I'd being jealous hiding it from other people's view. No, wait. I'd being hiding it no matter whose vulva it is.

"Schrödinger's fat."

No. No one's going to realize that, unfortunately.

Precisely. If these women were stupid, they wouldn't be doing something so bold and subversive. They have their reasons for staying and trying to change their religion from the inside.

I think it's lovely. It's easy for those of us who aren't Mormon to say, "Well, if Mormonism is sexist, why not just leave it?" but obviously people have reasons for adhering to their faiths, and it shouldn't be so hard for others to respect that. I'm an atheist, but the ranks of atheism include some of the most