
What could possibly go wrong?

Or the best named child.

The writer seems to completely misunderstand the use of “ita(i)“ in this situation. For the last 15 years or so, “itai” (literally “painful,” “hurting,” “ouch”) has been used to describe pathetic losers who are unaware of how they are seen by others. It means it’s painful to look at the person. “Clueless loser” is the affairs immediately go cold once they’re over but maintain an inherent mystique...

Some Japanese are saying that the people doing this are not simply "imprudent," but rather hope to incite a terrorist attack on Japan. One said he believes these people are sociopaths like the nut who randomly stabbed people in Akibahara, but are too cowardly to do anything they might get arrested for. I'm not sure I

That's like "Asking for a friend." He is in fact the Devil.

This is hilarious, as long as you don't take it too seriously. But you will. That's okay. Generation X is used to other generations not getting its jokes.

I was thinking Terence.

I understand the pressure to generate clicks and shares that Gawker writers face, but seriously, Mark. Didn't any alarms go off when you were considering this piece? I would think that anyone with a smattering of feminist consciousness would have seen a massive trap built into this story. I wish this page would just

Wow. I hope no faceless bureaucrat challenges that after you've naturalized! Japanese courts are not famous for standing up for the rights of those with little power.

I'm more offended by the radio station's competition itself than I am by the two morons who entered.

Yeah, I mean it's not like the 1,940 kilogram projectile he was piloting at 150 kilometers per hour could have killed or maimed someone, right? Because manly sports car drivers are immune to accidents, like eternal teenagers. Pinhead.

My own most awkward sex stories involve mosquitoes (pretty banal) and a woman who on our first (and last) date suddenly went straight for my junk before we had even kissed.

They should indeed. I'll have to keep that phrase handy for the next time a student comes to me with a tale of shame and a request for advice.

After reading all these, I see now that even the most awkward sex I've had in the past thirty years does not rise to the level of truly Awkward Sex.

IDK; if I was in her shoes, I would have been tempted to text a friend, "OMG there's a naked guy experiencing sleep paralysis on top of me. I may need help!"

OMG, please tell me that actually happened to you, because that is hilarious

Unbelievable. How could they possibly imagine that this is what viewers want from a Hercules movie?

Thank you for making my morning.