So very much this. This is the most hilarious aspect of the "trannies is spies for teh partriarchy!!" TERF hysteria.
...said the man who was to never win another GOP primary again.
You beat me to it.
I was sure the top comment would be something about freedom of speech and PC fascism and such. Was pleasantly surprised to see no such comment has popped up. Yet. And I'm also glad we now live in a world where publicly making aggressively homophobic remarks entails monetary risks. And, yeah, I think it's 100% legit…
Oh, cat lovers. You sad, sad cat lovers. It's time for you to admit that cats do not love you. They are not pretending to not love you; they truly do not love you. They can't. It's not in their nature. Your only appeal to them is as a source of food. Which is to say, as a creature that can give them food, or as a…
How did Gaga go so quickly from being a symbol of progressive values to being a symbol of just lots of gross, despicable stuff? I had such high hopes for her. Now she's just embarrassing.
Oh, what would a cosmetologist know? They can't even make up their mind if concealer should go under or on top of foundation!
Indeed. Goodnight from Kyoto.
Yeah, it's like those people who expect us all to jump on board the whole "race as a social comstruct" thing and use their newfangled jargon like "Black" or "African American" instead of the good old "N" Word that worked so well for generations. Sheesh, don't go all Twentieth Century on us, Kat!
Wow. Is this par for the course? I mean, Texas is a big state. I know it's majority Republican (for the time being), but do a majority of Texans support the in-your-face retro bigotry of the state GOP's platform? Did no one within the upper echelons of the Texas GOP try to stop this? It just seems like a weird thing…
A bisexual Japanese high school student photographed the copy of the poster hanging in her own school. The text reads, "The one in my school. I hope this will help people understand better."
I found this story quite moving and shared it to my Facebook Wall, but a friend raised a concern I hadn't considered: Ryland's privacy. Ryland totally deserves that award and may be enthusiastic about sharing his story now, at age seven (?), but there might come a day when he will wish his parents hadn't blasted his…
To the people (like so many commenters here) who get angry when we point out that it's a shitty thing to call someone "tranny": Why is it any skin off your nose to simply not use the word "tranny"? Why do you need so desperately to use this word? I simply do not get it. Do you similarly demand the right to call Black…
24 hours after I Tweeted this poster in Japanese, it has been retweeted more than 6,200 times and is still going. Every few seconds an alert appears on the upper right side of my MacBook Air's screen. (I'm going to have to turn off WiFi when I use it to show slides in my classes tomorrow!) A few responses have been…
Kat, I Googled the title and "Kokoro no kenkou nyuusu" but couldn't find anything in Japanese about this, so I posted the photo on Twitter with an explanation in Japanese. That was just 24 minutes ago, and it's already been retweeted more than 135 times.
I scoured the Japanese Internets and could find no reference to this remarkable poster. I wonder if LGBT folks in Japan have even caught wind of it yet. I know a lot of activists here who would be thrilled to see this.
Precisely. Using the Japanese word for "sexual desire" (seiyoku, 性欲) here would seem oddly explicit in a poster intended to be hung in junior high schools.