
I’ll remind you of the little people for $5

I’ll write a glowing review about your spell checking skills for $5.

I’ll spell check your post for $5.

Ah I know its cliche to want a tree planted over your dead body, but now I want a tree planted over my body so that in couple hundred years maybe my skeleton can scare someone when the tree falls over.

This doesn’t make “bullets” non-lethal, it makes a single bullet non lethal, it’s only good for one shot, while the gun it’s attached to can still hold multiple lethal rounds after the first shot is fired. And we know from recent history that cops rarely fire just one round from their hair trigger weapons when

Step One: Acquire girlfriend.

Odysseus: Alright, guys. I’m going home. Should be a short trip.

Update: Cassandra still being ignored!

UPDATE: Achilles still indestructible. LATE UPDATE: Well, maybe not.

Tweet attempt: Baddies just up and gave up! Left a giant horse, seems legit.

I wasn’t aware the Ghostbusters were created as an example of male empowerment in a female dominated field and their genders were an important facet of their character?

There might be an incredibly horny girl in Chicago who can't understand why she gets no replies.

I've counted at least half a dozen examples in these comments of "I don't know anything about him, but..."

there is no practical use for your comment. Comments like that are only good for anti-hipster cred, not any actual discussion.

I'm not sure if you're trolling or if you're genuinely that ignorant.

In my own personal study that was conducted twice yesterday afternoon because I was home alone and bored, I can categorically assert that it is definitely not pee.

Don't forget how they feel like they need to play devil's advocate here.

Me every time I see "well actually" or "to be fair..." in a comment