
What kind of weird obsession is this? You actually wrote a paper about this? And did you really ask in all seriousness, "Do you even PubMed"? You really need to rethink your life. And the rest of us really need to stop feeding trolls. Even though this one is kind of interesting in a bizarre way.

Shocking racism aside, how could anyone with an ounce of sense even consider taking a pair of scissors to such a gorgeous mane of hair? Envy?

Yes and no. In the American context, what matters is not what Japanese or Chinese people on the other side of the planet might think, but how this sort of thing affects the lives of Americans of East Asian descent. This is in-your-face-Orientalism, dripping with stereotypes and racist assumptions. It feeds into a

Actually, although I think what Perry did is racist and offensive, as someone who's lived and worked in Japan for 18 years, I must agree with you. Absolutely zero people born and raised in Japan (and not exposed to American racial politics) will be offended by Perry's performance. My Japanese wife, an extremely

I was thrilled with this ad, and now I'm bummed. The company was stupid to both use it without permission and then to preemptively take legal action to protect their right to parody it. Not cool. And the Beastie Boys are very uncool for raining on the parade here. It makes them look bad. So now they all look bad.

It is in fact physically possible for children that small to really stink. I raised a kid and have spent a lot of time around small children all my life. It's a different kind of smell from that of stinky grown-ups, but it can be hard to bear.

Shot in Japan, if anyone's curious. Mom and dad are laughing commenting ("What's a butterfly doing here anyway" etc) and the children think it's a hoot (which if course it is).

Right!? Who wants that drama?

Okay. I see your points. But this...

1. My main point is that it is hypocritical for Asian women to complain about white men with Asian fetishes since such a staggering amount of Asian women are dating white men. Many of these women are dead set on dating white men. I think my main point has been obscured, so I wanted to reiterate.

Setting aside the fact that 70% of the men the woman you paraphrased interacts with on a daily may be white, you haven't made it at all clear how it is the fault of Asian American women that Asian American men are not, in your view, getting enough, and not the fault of, say, white women or black women or Latina women.

I have a great story, too. My own! Or I suppose I should say my wife's, since I'm in my forties and she's the one whose in her thirties. Both of us had been through what they call "tumultuous relationships" throughout our adult lives. Despite being beautiful, smart, funny, talented, and having a stable income, my wife

That's a completely different issue. You could say the same thing about black women versus black men. And in both cases it's a matter of certain members of decidedly non-privileged subgroups trying to get by as best they can in a white dominated society. Listen to voices of the Asian American women commenting here. (I

You slay me, portraithat. You're hitting on all sixes! And how!

Sounds like my mother in law.

False equivalence. The majority of men an Asian American woman is likely to meet in her life will be white. such a woman is not likely to date a white man because she fetishizes white men. Women from developing Asian nations seeking an American man are probably just trying to raise themselves out of poverty. And

Uh, no. I've lived in Japan for 18 years. I'm a tall white (now bald) guy. There is a small group of Japanese women who are obsessed with dating either a white or a black guy (it's usually one or the other—I don't meet many such women who go in for both), and such women frequently badmouth Japanese, yes. If you're a


Wow. You are a real piece of work. Not hostile or harmful? Yet you would refuse to rent to someone based on their race, in violation of the law and all human decency, because of property values? You are not only hostile and hurtful, you are evil. And yet your stupidity apparently makes you incapable of recognizing