
I certainly am eager for all the racists to die, but since I seem to encounter racists who are younger than me (48 years old) every week on this lovely Internet thingy, I feel pretty sure the racists will outlive me. Just check out the comments by proud racist doldrums here. S/He is all for affirmative action (which

So many students do not get why plagiarism is never, ever acceptable. I think the prof handled this very well.

Oh, come on, these images are actually pretty tasteful compared to a lot of the fan-created stuff you can find out there. And fans do crazy obscene stuff with the princesses. Why not sexualize the princes as well? Unless the whole idea of having sexual fantasies about two-dimensional fictional characters doesn't float

Perhaps I really need to spend more time with men. Because, like kiddicus_maximus, the color of the vaginas I've seen has never once struck me as something I should care about in the least (although I did notice recently that my wife's is darker when she's aroused). If there are actually heterosexual males out there

Wow. So much weaseling. So much bullshit. It seems pretty clear that at least one of their students reported something to them that they should have immediately recognized as being a potential crime, and at that point they should have reported that crime to the police. That is the absolute minimum they should have

So epically relevant. That is one of the most powerful explanations of this phenomenon I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.

This is so frustrating, and it has real world consequences. The enemies of equality managed to turn the word into a pejorative and the rest of the world went along. I'm a feminist. And I'm angry about inequality (doh). I also teach feminism in my classes with humor and joy. We need feminism. Desperately. The U.S. is


That reminds me of the revaluation Dustin Hoffman talks about when he became a woman for "Tootsie" and realized he could never be more than a plain-looking woman. Did you see that video? He tears up as he recalls his realization that he had been filtering out huge swaths of womanhood based on superficial appearances.

Well, that was weird. I spend very little time with men, but I have never even thought about the possibility of being "disappointed" with a woman's naked body. I mean, if you've getting naked with someone, obviously you have good feelings towards them, right? In the course of about 30 years, I've gotten naked with fat

The weird thing is that we've become so used to seeing Photoshopped images like this that the physically unlikely proportions that result nonetheless seem "natural" to our eyes. Scary stuff.

That's a pretty darned cute Pikachu.

Such an inspiration. I fell tears welling up. Oh, wait. That's pre-seminal fluid. Sorry.

I just realized that an important identifying element isn't visible in that photo, so here's another.

We had our Halloween party last night (Saturday night, Japan time) and I cross-dressed for the first time in about 28 years. My friend and amazing artist/photographer Ayano Sudo did my makeup and in the process made me look ten years younger. (Would you guess there's a bald 48 year-old white dude under all that?)

I know it's hard to imagine right now, but this is who he is, and therefore you will be better off without him. I hope you can find a way to focus on that happier future that awaits you. And when their relationship (which is no doubt based entirely on hormones and fantasy, both of which have a short half life)

I have red blazer and floppy 80s necktie envy. I did not know that Home Ec was being cut from curriculums. That's outrageous. That's the most useful thing you can learn in school. But in my case, it mostly the influence of my mom that determined my basic skills when I went out into the world. All the kids (I was the

I don't see how accepting the money could be an option. To accept it would be to validate their method. Hopefully Simple(ton) Pickup will respect BCRF's request and just stop this. If they don't, they leave themselves open to charges of fraud.

The more I learn about men, the less I understand them and the less I feel I have in common with them. That so many men are not even willing to think about alternatives is distressing. If I were to become a Japanese citizen and be forced, therefore, to have the same surname as my wife, I would take her's in a