
I'm not sure if this was what Pattinson was talking about, but I confess that if I am even mildly attracted to a woman, some body odor will definitely enhance that. This is one reason I encourage my wife to eat meat, though I have yet to succeed in generating even the faintest body odor in her. That woman could go

Living in Japan, I am completely out of touch with my home culture, and thus never heard of Rebel Wilson until I just Googled her a minute ago. I think it's sad she's doing a show that seems mostly about her being fat. Not only is she apparently quite intelligent, she's also adorable and pretty hot, IMO.

As someone who's lived and worked in Japan for 18 years, I was afraid this was going to be another one of those "Look at how fucked up those freaky Japanese are" videos. I'm relieved to see it's both clever and cute as hell. Teaching small children bizarre songs is never a bad thing. Kudos to the JET teacher who

I am sorry. On behalf of all persons with a Y chromosome who struggle every day to not be a douchebag, I apologize for the distressingly large portion of us who, despite having ostensibly functioning brains and access to countless sources of knowledge and wisdom, nonetheless become insufferable, cretinous douchebags.

Thanks, hll! It sounds like you are where I hope to be in three years. Being with my wife is the most enjoyable part of my day, but I've also become more productive at work and finally have gotten started on a couple of book projects I've been putting off for years. Nothing but good news all around. Then again, the

Thank you! I was hoping at least a handful of Jezzies would like to hear a guy mooning over his partner.


Thanks, hll! For the first three months or so, I kept telling myself, "Easy fella. Nothing can possibly be this good in real life. Wait for that other shoe to drop. Either she's an android or a serial killer." I had screwed up and/or been burned so many times before, I did not trust my own judgement. My friends and

You can make it happen. But I went down (far, far down) the negativity route and it's a dead-end. Believe in your worth.

How is it that I've lived in Japan for 18 years and never even heard of this!? It looked so yummy I ran out to the liquor store (it's still seven p.m. here in Japan) to look for it, but my local liquor store has a crappy selection of Japanese microbrewery beers. I settled for Nagahama Roman Beer's "Autumn Ale." Not

Thanks, Kelsey! Yay me! And yay you for bright future! One thing I realized a few months before I met my wife (and this was the main reason I decided to seek counseling) was that I was more or less addicted to romance, and was treating my partners like life preservers. When one relationship failed, I would leap to the

I am crazy mad in love with my wife, and no one wants to hear about it. Except maybe my mom. I feel like raving about my wife to everyone I meet, all day every day, but people aren't really into hearing about other people's bliss. The only people who show much interest are people who are equally happy. Hey, my whole

I've found myself wondering "if rape jokes are so heinous then what about jokes about stealing things or beating people up?" I still find myself thinking that it takes a bit of paranoia to feel followed around by those kinds of attitudes but I have to admit as a non-lady I can't really say.

My wife the Japanese acupuncturist was talking about this "thigh gap" thing yesterday. (Apparently it's come to Japan as well!) She pointed out that while she has a thigh gap, she always wide hips (to wit, her hip sockets are set far apart), and that because a lot of women don't have such wide hips, a thigh gap would

One nice thing about Japan (and many other countries, I think): guests are all expected to chip in to cover expenses, so cash is the standard gift. There are even standardized levels of pay depending on your status, so that no one expects poor students to pay the same as comfortably employed adults. Close friends may

Yes, weird Janelle wasn't mentioned. Unless Dodai is strictly talking about "pop stars"...maybe...? I suppose I think of Janelle as a serious artist and not a pop star, though I'd rather dance to "Tightrope" than to anything mentioned in this piece.

The slow fade predates the Internet. I remember being both the fader and the fadee back in the '80s. It probably sucks, but that has nothing to do with electronic communication. There is nothing more futile than clinging to someone who has no interest in you. Let it go!

There's no doubt about it: fat people are the best people to hug.

It worked for me in Japan! Thank you!

Me too! Maybe it's because he was in the news yesterday...?