Matchz Malone

What were you on that morning??? Even when I was running track and playing football in HS (in Baltimore County btw), in the best shape I've been in (running wise, I'm stronger now) I would NEVER, NEVER have run a marathon. 26.2 can kiss my arse.
I can only imagine getting up one morning from scratch in my college days

Politicians talk slowly for different reasons. Honestly, most people who don't say "um" or "like" replace those with a pause, which can be just as annoying depending on the length. But more practically they use other filler words, the key is to not use the same ones where it becomes noticeable. With the exception

Generally, if I can remember to do it (which is about 50/50), I drink a couple glasses of water before going to sleep and eat a samich (samich is a copyright of Bruh Man from Martin that I will never let go).

Helps reduce my hangovers significantly. All those other tips of stuff to do, before/during, or knowing your

A great way to feel sick as hell during your workout...

The fear hits in MD every time I start getting near DC. Luckily most of the drivers in the area know where all the cameras are and are kind enough to tap on their brakes, (before fully breaking) and occasionally flash their lights as a reminder to slow down.

Theyre building a building thats a barge thats a building that floats

I was about to say. AFSOC already has some NSAv aircrafts, I didn't see a need for these.

To only pay for the ones you want to see. I like Football but even though I'm not in MD you know why I don't pay for NFL Sunday Ticket? Because I don't need to see EVERY game. I just want to watch my team and (occasionally, depending on who is playing) the playoffs.

I'm sure they have a plan somewhere. But whats to stop someone from creating an account for $10 a week before one of these $55 PPVs and canceling the subscription right after, therefor only paying for a month of the service? I mean, you could do that for each PPV and save a ton of money. If there was more than one PPV

Now playing

"And if I eeeevvverrrr, fall in love agggaaaaiiiin. I will be sure that the lady is a frrriiiiieeeennnnddd" Everyone blame Shai for us 'nice guys' being friends with females before developing feelings.

Thats wrong on so many levels. haha

Its pretty clear that its about natural. At least to me. A couple references about the word "natural" not being regulated. I believe its similar to organic, its regulated to an extent if memory serves but their is still a lot of leeway.

And after watching he took some convenient liberties in the video. I'm not saying its wrong, I'm no mathematician but he explains it poorly. EDIT: and also I cant remember but are negative numbers considered natural numbers? Because if not that seems to be a large problem with this proof.

I havent watched the video yet, but where does "1-1+1-1 + ..." (and by extension "1-2+3-4 ...") come from when adding all positive integers in the first place? Who said anything about subtraction?

I may have not been paying attention but I don't ever remember hearing "Deathstroke the Terminator" but I remember a lot of "Slade"

I mean really. He's got to know. He knows that him and Felicity are friends and had already suspected Oliver before.

My guess is control, as he was saying before otherwise you could always run back to the station where you have everything set up. This would just be at your foot.

But thats my guess. I don't play an instrument.

I swear I saw Windows 95/98 in that video.

Maybe I followed that link wrong, but that wasn't a pedal.

Came to basically post this. You beat me.