Matchz Malone

Did he use to be a C-17 Pilot? They can't do much lacking FE's and all.

C-130's for the WIN! But honestly who cares about the "W" models?

I will never understand all the hate for Nickelback. I should play some right now.

I know girls that thought this movie was stupid. If one of them wasn't my best friend I probably wouldn't communicate with her anymore

The Princess Bride is dangerous. You may annoy your date while quoting along if your date has never seen the movie before.

I can't be the only one that read the synopsis and went "Brainiac" They are creating Brainiac and he's going to do anything he can in his quest for knowledge. I can't wait till he starts putting cities in mini bottles.

Came here to suggest this.

Glad to know I wasn't the only one bugged by the red smoke when doing a HALO jump. Director probably did it because it looked cool. But you never know, it might be explained in the movie.

I honestly came expecting some Submarine type of thing. *shrug*

I wonder if thats what this is... Hmm... I wonder.

VD is the worst TV show acronym ever. I think it needs to always be referred to by its full title.

This was honestly the option I was looking for. I don't care what "I" see in my history. But other people may give me the side eye if my session starts up on the last page visited and I was watching iCarly or something. Haha.

We don't disrespect the Winchestors in this house. They do as they please

my thoughts exactly

Would the Punisher be playing with a stun (style) gun? I think the whole idea of a incapacitation gun would be against the Punishers morals.

Im with teleportation over flight. Ive always worried flight would be as tiring as running to mere mortals

Yeah, remember Misty is bored. She needs someone to bring back and spend time with.

Apparently me and my friends are the only ones still using GroupMe.


He meant Pokemon X & Y on the 3DS