Matchz Malone

This article asks the wrong questions about Facebook on iOS. Its not “what happened to Facebook recently”. Facebook only appears in one year (2015). Messenger appears in a couple other years (without Facebook). How were all the iOS people getting Facebook? Was it coming pre-installed on iPhones and not being counted

I’m late. But they don’t jump at 150. They jump at a slower speed than that.

Don’t drivers have the option to not pick people up if they have bad ratings? I know they can kick customers out of their vehicles, I’ve had friends who its happened to.

You blame Uber because someone got in the wrong car? You get the make, model, license plate and 95% of the time picture of the driver. If you get into the wrong car that is 100% on you.

Who is going to pay for all of that? The customer. Then they’ll lose business when the costs start matching/exceeding the costs of taxi’s.

USAA isn’t actually a credit union. They just operate more like one than a traditional bank. But they are definitely a bank. (I have them too) *cue The More You Know star*

Pssh, its called being clever. And I was the tech support in the house so my mom wasn't trying to go through the effort of messing with passwords or parental controls. I hope my kids are just as savvy by the time they are grown. I turned out well, sometimes the punishment is just to make a point that you're the

Now how many ones are people tossing at the strip club? Thats the real statistic we need. I can't be overpaying these girls.

Unless you're in DC. Don't trust those street names. If you're in DC you might as well just wing it and pray.

Idk, but maybe its just me. I used to get home at LEAST an hour before my parents from school starting at about 4th grade. By HS it was a few or more hours before my folks (we got out at 2pm and I was 5-10min walking from my school).

Even when I was "grounded", or in trouble for whatever reason I could still find time

You managed to finish the Marathon? Well major props for that regardless of your insanity at the time.

What were you on that morning??? Even when I was running track and playing football in HS (in Baltimore County btw), in the best shape I've been in (running wise, I'm stronger now) I would NEVER, NEVER have run a marathon. 26.2 can kiss my arse.
I can only imagine getting up one morning from scratch in my college days

Politicians talk slowly for different reasons. Honestly, most people who don't say "um" or "like" replace those with a pause, which can be just as annoying depending on the length. But more practically they use other filler words, the key is to not use the same ones where it becomes noticeable. With the exception

Generally, if I can remember to do it (which is about 50/50), I drink a couple glasses of water before going to sleep and eat a samich (samich is a copyright of Bruh Man from Martin that I will never let go).

Helps reduce my hangovers significantly. All those other tips of stuff to do, before/during, or knowing your

A great way to feel sick as hell during your workout...

The fear hits in MD every time I start getting near DC. Luckily most of the drivers in the area know where all the cameras are and are kind enough to tap on their brakes, (before fully breaking) and occasionally flash their lights as a reminder to slow down.

Now playing

"And if I eeeevvverrrr, fall in love agggaaaaiiiin. I will be sure that the lady is a frrriiiiieeeennnnddd" Everyone blame Shai for us 'nice guys' being friends with females before developing feelings.

Thats wrong on so many levels. haha

Came to basically post this. You beat me.

Did he use to be a C-17 Pilot? They can't do much lacking FE's and all.