Matchz Malone

Don’t worry, they can still pin it on the black guy. :-/ Remember, the groundskeeper had the gun in his hands at the very end. Cops would look at that and say “well, our work is done!”

I picked up a TGT wallet over a year ago (had a discount through Kinja), and for ~$25, it has held up really well and met all my expectations. The elastic band that wraps around the cards is still tight (“TGT”, I mean) and not stretched out at all. I’m not sure I’d pay the full $36 retail for it though.

I picked up a TGT wallet over a year ago (had a discount through Kinja), and for ~$25, it has held up really well

I don’t get why he’s “Infamous”. Victor Von Doom is one of the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe. He rules Latvaria with an iron fist, but he is repectul and he treats his people as equals. He is a master of magic and science and was even runner up for the title of Sorcerer Supreme at one point.

Eye Guy deserves to be #2 (after #1 Rita which is correct)

Yeah but Uber isnt a traditional “job” either. Its not even fair comparing it to serving in a restaurant.

I don’t understand how drivers complain about working for Uber, but accepted those conditions when they decided to work for Uber. First it was wanting full time benefits even though they knew they didn’t get it being a contractor and now complaining about tips when knowing that Uber doesn’t encourage it.

It’s like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager... they blew it. Users shouldn’t ever have to think about it.

Finland does better than them all, and they have 1 test, and that is at the end of high school. Go figure. More time learning than testing might be the way to go.

Somebody say "too powerful"? Hah!

This guy wasn't that bad, was he? :p

What about this little gem?

Namiki Falcon Fountain Pen. A throwback to the great fountain pens of the past when penmanship was important. Smooth lines with easy thick to thin transition. Great for drawing or writing. Uses non-fading archival ink. Beautiful to look at. I use it any chance I can.

Hey, you dissed Ultraman, who was battling kaiju long before Pacific Rim:

Maybe because it's always been the Samsung Galaxy S line? Which came out before your iprecious 4s.

I'm not a parent, but I WAS a kid on the internet at one point, and I think a good internal rule for any parent with internet-using kids is:

No, the single best reason for implanting a magnet in your finger is for putting your co-workers' Macbook Pros to sleep and acting concerned that something might be wrong with their computer.

Now playing

Ever since I started using Coors Light as debate material over at Gizmodo, I have discovered a new love for Jean Claude.

I rip DVDs with Handbrake all the time. Have for years.